[color=green][u][h1]Stargate Command, Earth[/h1][/u][/color] [color=BBFFBB] "Unscheduled off-world activation." The announcement could be heard throughout the base. General Hammond, current commanding officer of stargate command was already in the stargate operations room, watching the gate room. The stargate was already active with the iris, the security measure preventing anything unauthorized from even reintegrating at the event horizon of the gate, closed. "Receiving Tok'ra IDC." Sergeant Walters informed the general just as Jack O'Neil was coming down from the conference room. "Open the iris." The general ordered and left the room heading for the gate room. Jack also followed. A Tok'ra who they had yet to meet step through the gate. "Welcome to Earth. I'm General Hammond." "The high council of the Tok'ra sends its greetings." The Tok'ra agent also greeted them with a nod. "How's Jacob. Why couldn't he come?" Jack budged in sounding a little disappointed at having to deal with the Tok'ra regulars. "He is currently on an assignment." The Tok'ra provided vaguely. "We bring news of possible allies who might be of assistance in combating the Goa'uld." General Hammond nodded. "If you would follow me, we can continue in the conference room." [/color] [hr] A bright explosion lit the battlefield, marking the violent destruction of a pyramid ship. The combined assault of the Starlight Lance fighter craft and the second weapons barrage of the Adenn eventually overwhelmed their target, leading to a power core overload. The second Ha'tak still bombarding the Starlight Lance was hit by another wave of torpedoes from the Liberator. This time blue flashes of light burst against the shields of the Ha'tak. At first they seemed to have no effect, yet as more and more ordnance bombarded the vessel, the shields flickered and then collapsed allowing a wave of torpedoes through. All the while the bombardment from Anubis' flagship was starting to severely deplete the Liberator's capacitor to the point where the booster would be capable of running for two more cycles only. The distance the Liberator put between itself and the flagship was enough so that half the staff cannons shots missed, though that still left plenty of ones which did in fact hit the Liberator. Abruptly the shields of the flagship collapsed. [color=papayawhip] "My lord, our shields have failed." The second prime informed his god. "How!?" Came an enraged response. "The shields seem to have been sabotaged just before someone was transported off our ship." The Jaffa explained. "Bring them back online immediately." Anubis ordered. "More ships are exiting hyperspace! They belong to Ba'al!" Another status report came as the second prime was frantically trying to raise the flagships shields once more. "Destroyed them!" Anubis shouted angrily at his second prime. [/color] A hyperspace window opened at some distance above Anubis' flagship and six more pyramid ships emerged in quick succession. They were barely out of hyperspace when they immediately opened fire on Anubis' flagship below them. A few shots struck the hull of the ship before a yellow wave engulfed the ship, the shields now blocking the shots once more. The heavy bombardment focused on the Liberator now shifted towards one of the newly arrived Ha'taks and quickly dropped its shields. The Ha'tak which had engaged the USS Creed was now pursuing it to the edge of the combat zone. Due to previous damage received from the photon torpedo explosion, it wasn't able to keep with any of the Creed segments until they held position to re-combine. Just as the Ha'tak closed the distance between them and fired the staff cannons at the Creed, the latter suddenly accelerated and disappeared into the void, with only a distant flash of light left in its wake. The Ha'tak currently engaged with the Endeavor finally lost it shields entirely. The Endeavor's onslaught was now slowly tearing the ship apart. Despite taking heavy damage the pyramid ship was not relenting, when out of a sudden the ship stopped firing and began to slow down. On the Pel'tak both the Jaffa piloting the ship and the one in charge of weapons felt an overwhelming presence within their minds. They could even feel their Goa'uld symbiote squirming in their abdominal pouch, reacting to the foreign presence. The Kuriotes was now also engaging the Ha'tak. Defenseless and now stationary, the hull began failing under the combined fire of the Endeavor and Kuriotes. Moments later another bright flash accompanied the destruction of another pyramid ship. By now all three death glider squadrons had also been reduced to a handful of stragglers by the combined efforts of the ragtag fleet. Meanwhile, the captain of the imperial shuttle captain was brought on-board the Ahel. "The emperor, where is the emperor?" A half conscious captain Bonma asked the figures carrying him out of the shuttle. The shuttle itself held few indications as to why the shuttle was the focus of the current battle. [hr] Aboard the Creed the Tok'ra agent now stood in Captain Frye's office. Arms behind his back, he spoke in a deep voice signifying the symbiote was now talking. "I have already sent a message to the Tok'ra council. They will put you in contact with the Tau'ri. For now I would suggest remaining here." It wasn't long before a ship appeared on the Creed's sensors making its way around the moon. [table=bordered][row][cell][center][b]"This is colonel William Ronson of the United States Air Force Vessel [url=http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Prometheus]Prometheus[/url]. Please identify and state your intentions."[/b][/center][/cell][/row][/table] The Tok'ra on board the Creed then offered an identification code he also sent to the Tok'ra which by now had to be known by the Tau'ri as well.