Goku remained silent and still watching Kinoko, he turned and looked in the direction Vegeta had gone crossing his arms over his chest. The two of them were something else, that much he had to admit. Still he didn't get how they couldn't see what was plainly put out there, he smiled and ruffled his hair turning his back to Konoko as she spoke of her heritage. It was up to Kinoko to figure out her own path, at least that's what Vegeta made him promise, he and Vegeta were just there to help should she ever fall off it. Though Vegeta believed she should walk down one route while he disagreed and believed she should follow another. In the end he wanted Kinoko to figure out answers for herself, but she wanted Vegeta's acceptance, something he only earned after the two had tried to kill each other more times than he could count and he'd never say it out loud. He had a feeling that was going to be a long harsh road. [i]"Kinoko will figure it out one day, I doubt I'd be able to explain it anyway."[/i] Goku thought before starting to walk away. He stopped however when Kinoko spoke to him arching his brows at her, smiling at her he gave a small nod and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm happy too. I won't make you, but if you feel like talking you know how to find me. Let's go." [hr] Ryo leaned against a tree adjusting the mask on his face only to jump when a squirrel ran by, bringing a hand to his chest he let out a small sigh before his gaze moved to the sky. The orange sky spread out above him was pretty peaceful, if not for the fact he was waiting for a killer alien to take his life it might actually be a good day. He took out his phone and stared at it for a moment, 21 had called him having been forced to give his number to her and Goku for some strange reason when they came to see him telling him about the meeting place. Apparently 21 had informed Kinoko shortly before they got there that the plan was already in motion, which meant the lab was going to end up blown up sooner or later, well after their fight started. "Hello." Ryo glanced sideways at Yuvo as he walked out of the darkness, with a smile he got into stance causing Ryo to fully turn to face him. "I owe 21 one, I was hoping to get a shot at you. Seems like you were waiting for me." Ryo sighed inside his mask and made a beckoning motion with his sleeve. [hr] "Are you ready?" 21 questioned. She and Goku were standing in a small lab, documents were scattered everywhere and designs of all manners were placed on the wall, there were multiple pods in the area and judging by the broken one, it was the one Yuvo came out of. 21 had led Goku to a room with a large machine in the center with multiples pipes leading into other machines that let out a low hum, it seemed this was the central computer, and the pods outside were spare 'main' Yuvo's, they would destroy while he was asleep. It was hard getting in without getting seen, but the harder part was surviving the onslaught that would come when they destroyed it. "I'm ready," Goku said. The two raised their hands and energy gathered in them before a large explosion came from the lab, the two quickly flew out of it Goku hurling one last blast of energy inside which destroyed not only the lab but part of the mountain in the process. "That should do it...Goku." "I'm on it." Goku put two fingers to his head and locking onto Vegeta's signature moved to him, the two met eyes for a moment and with grumble he flew off in Kinoko's direction as Goku returned to help 21 deal with the clones who attention she had attracted and led away from the lab. As Vegeta flew he noticed multiple Yuvo's flying out of the city his eyes narrowing at the sheer number making their way towards the cliffs. 21 confirmed that only a few of them were as strong as the normal Yuvo, they just had to avoid killing the one with the weakest signature, which wouldn't be too hard. Vegeta landed and approached Kinoko arms crossed and the normal scowl on his face, Goku and 21's energy spiked causing Vegeta to look back in the direction of the energy. "Kinoko it's time, don't let your guard down," Vegeta said before turning and flying towards the clones. 21 had gathered all of the clones far in the wastelands, there were at the very least a thousand Yuvo's floating in front of her and she narrowed her eyes at them as they stared down at her, a few of them smiling and cracking their knuckles. "...I had a feeling you would eventually betray me 21," one of the Yuvo's said. "Yeah you did seem like the ambitious type," another Yuvo said. "I was going to get more data on you to add to my own, but this will suffice," one of the Yuvo's in the back said. "...you're not pulling any innocents into this," 21 said. "I'm stopping this now." "You intend on taking us all on!" "Well I figured I'd help." Goku appeared next to 21 and smiled at her before focusing his attention back on the numerous Yuvo's and getting into stance, the smile fading off his face. "Oh Goku! I wanted to save the best for last...but I've never been the patient type," Yuvo said grinning. "I get you, 21 and Kitsu, must be my lucky day!"