Now I can only genuinely speak for myself but I can say that the opinions of those I respect often mirror my own on this topic. Half the fun is writing the character concept out. I wrote one out for a role that I ultimately conceded, but in the end I think it was worth it because I enjoy crafting the character. There are thus hard limits to how much can be prefab with a specific character role before it turns me off. [i]Full disclosure: that conceded role was also for co-GM and I have some pretty firm views on handing out the role of co-GM. I conceded it primarily because I felt like even if I got it, it wasn't properly earned.[/i] I think the notion of encouraged diversity & better character compatibility is best accomplished through having roles/classes predefined if necessary without any character details, and by better GM enforcement. I feel like too many GMs approve absolutely anything even when they should turn down certain things because they clash with the desired party dynamic or duplicate an already-filled niche. With my own project I actually got put in this position where I had to think long and hard on approving a second strongman-type character or denying it to demand more diversity. I also had to deny more than one character because I felt like they would end up being a liability to the party and the RP in general. I know firsthand it sucks to have to write the [i]"I can't/won't approve this"[/i] message but I think not enough people will stand strong with their vision for the RP they're recruiting for and instead cave to characters they ultimately shouldn't approve.