[@King Tai][@Raptra][@KatherinWinter][@sleeth][@GingerBoi123] Ratte stood and waited for 'Pirate' to make up his mind and her eyes followed Isago as he made his way away from them with Kai. She caught his eye and recognised the nod he gave her to follow him. She leaned her weight onto one foot, weighing up the options. Did she risk this man turning out to be a murderer or did she risk losing a potential ally in the future? She had spent most of her life being paranoid of allies and her recent encounter had opened her eyes a little. She groaned and shook her head, "Look, just.. follow me, okay?" She turned and started walking to the back of the tavern, whether he was following or not. Briefly, she caught sight of the tavern door opening again and a man she didn't recognise walked in [@KatherinWinter]. He wasn't a local, she knew that for certain, but she had other things on her mind and simply brushed him out of her head as she caught up to Isago and Kai.