[@Piercing Light] As Gloopra walked along a corridor, he was stopped by the comm-link beeping and relaying the message: [quote=Comm-Link][i]The ship that aided in the escape of the individual known as Blank was seen landing in a scrap junkyard. Those that are able are to investigate, though you may do so at your own discretion. The location of the junkyard has been pinpointed on your maps.[/i][/quote] "Roger, I'll take it." He then saw Vrerr walking the other way. "Vrerr, I am finished with your room, your Juma should be nicely chilled." He said with a smile. Vrerr smiled back and looked him up and down. "You're looking chipper, get some good news?" "You could say that. Look, I'm looking for Shadow Anari, we may have a lead on Blank." he said. "Sorry, she's already got another mission, I was just talking about it with the general." "Dammit... I could really use some backup for this. I'll ask Master Kale. If we can bring him in for questioning, i'll sleep a whole lot better." He sighed. "Go enjoy your drink and get some rest. We've been here barely 3 hours and it already feels like the end of a long day..." "Amen to that." She shrugged. Gloopra began to walk away, but Vrerr caught his arm. "Gloopra, may the force be with you." "When is it not?" he asked. Striding through the corridors, he retuned his comm-link. "Master Kale, I was wondering if you might accompany me on this mission? I don't want to sound paranoid, but we didn't get a good look at Blank's abilities, if he is as powerful as I fear, then a Master by my side would be MOST appreciated."