[b]Name:[/b] Johann Dearheart. [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Faction/Allegiance:[/b] Elinor. [b]Relic Description:[/b] The Eternal Archive; a blank book that whose pages can be willed to transform into a copy of any writing or drawing made on a lasting medium (paper, papyrus, parchment, and clay tablets). This includes other books, maps, drawings and illustrations, as well as letters and documents. Note that when all the pages are filled up with copies, the only way to generate new blank pages to copy is to rip out the existing pages, forcing the book to repair itself. The existing pages ripped out still have the duplicated information on them, which is alternately useful or dangerous depending on whether he needs to hide something. This is useful not just for finding out information from the more civilized states and their governments, but also for creating fake invitations and passports; when a single document is already duplicated on a page of the book, one can cut out said page to produce a copy of said document. This is not a perfect process; there are ways to tell that the copy is fake (like looking at the type of paper used, or just feeling for cut marks). [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/2vxf4eg.jpg[/IMG] [b]Flaws:[/b] Simple Weapons User - Johann prefers to use weapons that are easy to use, such as maces, clubs, knives and spears. This is due to the fact that mastering the sword takes a lot of time, time that can be better-used making money or training one's mind. Smug and Arrogant - Johann makes up for his youth with bravado, and tends to treat others like his equals or even worse, inferiors. In Elinor, this would not cause anyone to bat an eye, but elsewhere...it'd get him punched. Lacks Practical Experience - Johann is [i]twenty-one[/i], and it's only because of the knowledge in his book that he manages to get by without dying. But once his luck runs out, he runs the risk of dying without anyone to defend him with violence. [b]Skills:[/b] Lucky - Johann is naturally lucky, which is why he isn't dead yet. High Intellect - One of the reasons Johann is so smug and arrogant is because he [i]is[/i] smart and knows the basics of how to outsmart others, as well as the need for some sort of planning. But this high intellect also puffs up Johann's jerk behavior, making him insuferrable. Simple Weapons User - Johann prefers to use weapons that are easy to use, such as maces, clubs, knives and spears. This is due to the fact that mastering the sword takes a lot of time, time that can be better-used making money or training one's mind. This is a strength as well as a flaw. [b]Biography:[/b] Johann was born in Elinor, to a family of richer merchants who can afford tutoring in how to read and write and do sums. Johann's father was an Evoker, but one who comported himself less arrogantly than most due to the need to maintain good relations with his fellow businesspeople. That, and Johann's father's Relic, an astrolabe that allowed him to predict bad weather, was useful only when other people can follow his instructions. So Johann had a lot of chances to play with the children of other Merchants, in the houses of other Merchants. And that's how he met Joanna Jacobs. The two played together, roughoused together, and listened to fairy tales together. But as they grew up, Joanna's mother slowly grew suspicious of Johann, especially when the latter bonded to a Relic brought by a ship of refigees from another nation, raising his social status within Elinor. But these suspicions did not result in anything bad...until Joanna left for the mainland. Even worse, the ship was headed close to [i]Kheris[/i]. It later emerged that Johann's father had provided Joanna's 'family friend' with information on bad weather close to Kheris' shores, which brought suspicion on him and Johann itself. Joanna's mother was [i]pissed[/i]. Worried, but pissed. And so in order to rebuild ties with the two families, Johann promised to bring Joanna back. His Relic had given him an unprecedented amount of information on Kheris, including a way to copy both the Seal of Travel and some of the written records kept by Kheris' spies. And so he can pose as one for a brief time; hopefully that would be enough to get back Joanna... Personality/motivation: Well, he's a smug jerk who believes in the power of his intellect to move mountains. He is also generally kind and decent, and has a subconcious belief in compassion, friendship and love underneath his facade of jerkishness. [b]Relations:[/b] Joanna Jacobs' best friend. [b]Final Point - Secrets:[/b] He has a crush on Joanna. And boys. The two are incompatible with each other. [@Duoya], [@Sep]