Wincing as the sticks crashed together, jarring her slight form. Stepping back Rys bared 'his' teeth at the foreigner. Taking a second step away, Rys regained her balance as she ducked the blow towards her head. A easy thing to do, as the head was a small target. But a strike there would be incredibly effective. All of which Neriad most likely as knew as an experienced fighter. Not bothering on a reply and wasting breathe. Or risk revealing too much. Deflecting the blow to her shin, the disguised woman feinted towards the older warrior's head namely the throat, moving her 'staff' aiming a strike for Neriad's armpit. Pain would drive this one out of the fight. The cheers only annoying her as she fought. She didn't want attention, to be noticed. The man she was dueling was riling her anger at the risk he was forcing upon her. Her staff whirled for a second blow into Neriad's wrist.