[center]Olivia hadn't been a stranger to detention over her years at the college she currently attended, she'd been placed there quite often actually due to her outspoken views in certain things. Their principal was one with a control issue, and Olivia wasn't one to hold her tongue. She tapped her pencil against her desk, rolling her eyes to the ceiling and huffing out a brief puff of air as her eyes followed the teacher watching them out of the room as he left to obviously refill his coffee. Olivia heard someone from behind her mention her tattoos, and her eyes swiveled to the stranger next as she looked at him curiously. He was a rather attractive guy, someone Olivia could [i]definitely[/i] see herself being into. But she also noticed that wink, and realized he was probably of those playboy types that broke your heart into Tony little pieces in the end, and made you want to listen to Taylor Swift songs. She [i]loathed[/i] Taylor Swift, and artists like her. Smiling softly, Olivia ran a hand through her long blonde hair. [color=yellow]"Thanks, I'm not even dine with it really, I still have more planned for my legs,"[/color] she said looking down at her bare legs as she was wearing shorts that day. It had been warm as of late. Elsewhere in the room, Benjamin sat in the back corner desk, a book in hand about cars, a specific model of mustang in particular. He was rebuilding one in his spare time, something he took great joy in. He loved building cars and working on cars. He was listening in to the conversation near him between the blonde girl and the obviously overly charming boy with a distracted ear, his eyes still taking in the words he was reading. He was good at multi-tasking. Olivia turned to look at Benjamin, her eyes flicking to the cover of his book. [color=yellow]"You build cars?"[/color] Benjamin looked up, lifting one eyebrow at her as he stopped reading for a moment. [color=SteelBlue]"I've been building cars for years,"[/color] He said simply. Olivia turned to look back at the other boy, flashing him a teasing smile as she chuckled softly. [color=yellow]"I wanted to learn to build cars once, begged my ex to teach me... Couldn't even get past the shock thingies before I got confused. There's just too many wires,"[/color] she said with a shake of her head. [color=yellow]"Now give me a pencil, and I'll write you a novel in a week," [/color] [/center]