[center][color=cyan][h3]Aiden Moseley[/h3][/color] Aiden's eyes never left Henrik's face as he was talking about dragons, noticing that he clearly was very passionate about the subject. Aidan thought that was really cool, that he loved dragons so much. Aidan had always been fascinated by dragons. But he was sure if he was ever in the presence of one, Aidan would be scared out of his mind. When the conversation turned to potion assassins, Aiden's swiveled to each person as they were talking, absorbing the conversation as he didn't know much about potion assassins. It seemed that the curly haired blonde didn't know much about them either, but maybe she was just confused on another matter involving potion assassins, Aiden couldn't be sure. Looking back at Henrik, Aiden blushed and smiled softly. [color=cyan]"I'd be a crud assassin, I'm not good enough, at Potions to kill anyone,"[/color] He said with a small chuckle as he ran his hands over his blue hair. He turned to look at Momo, stroking his feathers with his finger distracted lying as he listened to Annabeth talk. ××××××××××××××××××× [color=deeppink][h3]Annabeth Daniels [/h3][/color] [color=deeppink]"I guess I should have said that a bit differently,"[/color] Annabeth said once they all asked her how she couldn't possibly know what potion assassins were. Of [i]course[/i] she knew what potion assassins were, she did read after all, quite a bit actually. [color=deeppink]"Your parents are prion assassins?"[/color] she turned her eyes to the pale blonde, not even thinking that her words might come across as accusatory. Placing a finger on her chin, she rolled her eyes to the ceiling in thought. [color=deeppink]"Ashwood...you know, the Cardegy family is [i]also[/i] well known for dabbling in the same practice. Personalky I think there are way less tedious ways to murder someone if you really needed to but, hey"[/color] she said with a simple shrug, reaching over and scratching Lilah behind the ears, she was purring from receiving so much attention. [color=deeppink]"What all classes do you take? My favorite is Charms, oh and Transfiguration is good too. I also like Herbology, the various plants and stuff is really interesting,"[/color]she said thoughtfully, talking about academics being one of her favorite things to do. She really was a nerd. [color=deeppink]"So, now that we all know each other...did everyone have a good summer?"[/color] she asked the group, looking at them all in turn as she continued to scratch Lilah behind the ears, her purring like soft music in the background while they talked. [/center]