[hider=Stargirl] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180606/a4dd81bc80d2ba08aace5dce4baeb22f.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SozH54m.jpg?1[/img][/center] [colour=2C3B94][h3]Name[/h3][/colour][hr] [indent]Courtney Whitmore[/indent] [colour=2C3B94][h3]Age[/h3][/colour][hr] [indent]15[/indent] [colour=2C3B94][h3]Powers/Drawbacks[/h3][/colour][hr] [indent][b]Cosmic Converter Belt:[/b]A large red belt that converts solar energy into powers for the wearer. Powers include; Super speed, strength, agility, and endurance. [b]Cosmic Staff:[/b] A long golden staff which works simmilarly to the Cosmic Converter Belt, and grants the user greater access to it's powers over time. Currently, Courtney has access to flight, solar energy projection, and deflection. [b]Powerless:[/b] Without her gear, Courtney is just a teenage girl with no remarkable powers to speak of.[/indent] [colour=2C3B94][h3]Skills[/h3][/colour][hr][indent][b]Gymnast:[/b] While likely not the most acrobatic out of her fellow heroes, Courtney is head and shoulders above average when it comes to agility and flexibility. [b]Kickboxing:[/b]Originally a hobby taken up to keep in shape, Courtney has begun more serious, real combat focused training. [/indent] [colour=2C3B94][h3]Bio[/h3][/colour][hr] [indent]Courtney isn't terribly special, as much as she likes to think she is. Her title and gear were earned more through dumb luck rather than any worth or talent. It started when her mother moved them from their home in bight and fast-paced California to the cold and dull state of Nebraska, all to be with her new boyfriend Patrick Dugan. Things only deteriorated from there. Her teachers and half the students at her new high-school seemed determined to make Courtney's life miserable, her grades dropped, and her mother and 'Pat' (as they insisted she call him) got married after only six months of being in-state. In an effort to connect with his step-daughter, Pat offered Courtney an after-school internship with his work at the large science research center that had always seemed out of place in the small town of Blue Valley. Unable to talk her way out of it between both parents, Courtney eventually consented to going along with him. The labs were devoted to clean energy production and use. Pat headed up the mechanics department and a man named Ted Knight did most of the research and prototypes for energy production. Prior to Superman's death, Knight had been trying to mimic a kyrptonian's metabolism; converting sunlight into raw energy. The Cosmic Converter Belt and Staff were the products of that research. Courtney had no real interest for science or math, and most of her time was spent answering phones and filing. She'd been at the Nebraska labs about a month when she came across the belt and staff. They were laying casually on Ted Knight's desk when she entered to drop off some messages, and no one else was around. They weren't the usual bits of machine parts that were constantly being passed from office to office, and Courtney found herself actually curious. Without much consideration for consequences, she put on the belt. It wasn't until she went behind the desk that she noticed the dead body of Ted Knight on the ground. At the same time, two shriveled green creatures clawed at her from underneath the desk. A single kick hit the things hard enough to break through the other side of the panel, and alarms began ringing before she even left the room. The Dragon King had come to Blue Valley, in search of the Kinght's new inventions, laying siege to his entire lab with mutated humans. After finding her stepfather, who was decked in a prototype S.T.R.I.P.E suit, and quickly learning what exactly the belt could do Courtney helped repel the attack. The aftermath left Courtney grounded for the rest of her existence, and Knight's lab completely destroyed, but as there wasn't really much else to [i]do[/i] with the belt and staff, they remained locked away in Pat's garage. Lucky Mary, Courtney's sole friend in Nabraska, knew a thing or two about lockpicking. So she wasn't totally unprepared when the Dragon King himself came to her house. The second fight unlocked the powers of the Staff to her, a bolt of light energy knocking the Dragon King himself through her second-story bedroom window, and stunning him long enough for Pat to restrain him. Thus Courtney gained the attention of the Justice Trio, and an invitation to join the Titans in California. [/indent] [/hider]