[center][img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5lZDAyMTAuUTNKaGMyZywuMQAA/the-black-festival-demo.regular.png [/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/666b11c3ef2c9c411ded665d6712f8a3/tumblr_mkrxa6SHMT1ql3jjao1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Crash laughed with amusement as Mal smacked him with a wing, it was nice to be allowed to goof around. As the got closer to the city he marveled at the view, so many buildings, probably filled thousands of people. He’d never seen anything like it, he wondered what normal people were like, what they did all day, and what the city even was like. His whole world had just expanded, no more cage, no more experiments, or sheltered existence. For Crash the city was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen, right after the forest and open skies, the city was freedom and adventure; new, shiny, and exciting. He let out another scream of pure exhilaration as they neared their destination. Crash had been slightly annoyed by Flicks constant worrying, every time there was a plane or helicopter, he made them hide. Crash didn’t care for hiding, he wasn’t going to let anyone make him afraid, not ever again. He’d already decided he wasn’t going to live in fear of Chimera, he was trained to fight, he was strong, and he would never let them drag him back there. If they wanted to come after them he would be more than willing to take some revenge on his captors. He didn’t voice his complaints to Flick this time though, it didn’t seem like the others were as interested in fighting as he was. Flick instructed them were to land, and Crash landed, fairly easily, after the others, tripping slightly as his feet touched ground and landing on his knees with one hand on the ground to steady himself. His landings had improved a lot since he was a kid and earned his name but it seemed like Mal’s landings had gotten worse. [color=red] “I thought crashing the landings was my thing.”[/color] He teased as he stood up and folded his wings in and underneath the torn and dirty scrub top he’d been wearing for the past three days. [color=red] “Alright Flick, where do they keep the food around here?”[/color] He asked as something caught his attention in one of the trees. A small creature scurrying away, his powerful eyes fixed on it; not a rabbit but a squirrel was almost as good. He was annoyed he hadn’t spotted it soon when he was still in flight, creatures were hard to catch without wings and his stomach, which had almost as much patience as Crash himself, growled with hunger.