[color=darkorange][center][h1]Mason Drake[/h1][/center][/color] [hr][@Jollan][@Rai][@geurls] Just as Mason cleared the ceiling, he felt himself getting pulled back, the very winds fighting his ascent. Though flapping his wings with all his might, Mason found himself slowly coming closer to the chamber. In a final attempt to escape, he shifted the old woman to his right shoulder, planting his feet on what little remained of the ceiling, and latched onto a sizable crack in the sloped, rocky surface before him with his left hand. Straining against the strength of the vortex, the stone beneath his left foot gave way, his leg partially slipping into the chamber below. His hearing had just returned to him just in time to hear one word; [h3][color=4f7a68]“PERISH!”[/color][/h3] A violent gust hit Mason's leg, throwing it against a sharp corner. As his Tibia broke in half with a sickening [b][i]'SNAP'[/i][/b] a quiet scream escaped his lips. Determination unfailing, Mason still fought onward, the horrible pain merely serving to drive him to salvation, just as it had in Nero. Inch by inch, he crawled up the rocky slope until he reached a point where he could escape the pull of the vortex. Taking off into the air once more, Mason held the unconscious woman close to his chest; he would not fail today.