Cyrdic lay motionless for a few moments, having taken the worst of the fall when the group had leaped through the crack within the surface above. But he was stubborn and made of sterner stuff than most. He opened his eyes slowly, and gave a groan as he propped himself up on his elbows. The cavern was dark, but he'd found his eyesight had gathered light far easier than it used to, and he guessed it was because of his sword. But still, he would have had no visibility until Skaldi lit the oil lamp. Camilla's beautiful face filled his vision, and despite the tumble he found he didn't mind at all. "I'm fine," he said, and reached forward to cup her cheek. He sat up, and used his other hand to do the same, pulling her forward and resting his forehead against hers, giving a grin and seeing she shared it with him. "Let's get the hell back to civilization, yeah?" He breathed, and kissed her thoroughly, tasting dust but not caring in the least. "We need a vacation." They got to their feet, and the Ostland mercenary wiped some debris out of his hair and ruined coat. It did little good, because the Dragon Ogre above still was not bored with trying to make a hole to follow them, causing small rocks and dust to continue raining down on them. "Skaldi. Can you find a way for us?" He asked, blunt and to the point as always. The Dwarf nodded. He'd heard Dwarfs had uncanny abilities of direction underground, but he wanted to make certain. "Ye bet yer ass, manling. Let's get going." The Dwarf started straight away into the cavern system, which Cyrdic believed had to be a good thing if he moved without hesitation. Dietrichia was less sure of herself, or she seemed as such. She stayed quiet, gazing inwardly and fretting over her hair far more than one should when she wasn't. She glanced Cyrdic's way once or twice, but mostly simply looked at the ground. The ground often times bucked, rising and falling like jagged waves in the rock. Yantz stayed beside his mistress, just as Konrad the Greatsword stuck by his previous commanding officer, Cyrdic. "I'll be reprimanded." He said to himself as they moved, finally having time to think now that they were not actively being attacked from denizens of Chaos. "If I am lucky, that is. The Count doesn't look on desertion mildly." Ivan spoke Kislevite to Boris in hushed tones, though he stuck close to Camilla, and to a lesser degree Cyrdic. The Ostlander wasn't good at comforting people, but without looking back, he spoke up. "You're a good man Konrad." He said. "We could always use another sword." "Sell my sword?" Konrad asked, a tad incredulous. He was going to ask further questions until Skaldi held up a hand and shushed the party. Cyrdic nearly bumped into Ivan's broad back, the Kislevite so huge he probably would not have budged from Cyrdic's considerable weight in muscle. Dietrichia hissed, her leg scraping over a stalagmite and she cursed. Yantz made a quip that only Cyrdic's ears picked up, about how she couldn't see that one coming. Skaldi ignored the group, and placed his ear to the tunnel. "...running water," he breathed. [@Penny]