For the rest of that day, Kinoko could only feel thankful that Goku was there, at the right moment, of needing someone who would give her the much-needed comfort to keep her confidence intact. By far, that argument became too close to home, perhaps for both herself and Vegeta. The Prince's words only continue to fuel her with determination, to the point of trying to find ways of winning his approval of honoring the entire Saiyan race by "acting" like someone destined to represent and lead them, whether alive or deceased. It became the snapping point that only resulted in Kinoko to become even more determined, which led to her offer being directed towards Goku. At that point, she was going to take this new path seriously; the path of becoming stronger to honor her own Saiyan heritage, pride, as well as protect the wellbeing of the residing planet she was upon. The last thing Kinoko could recall was her earlier sparring session with the younger Saiyan, while she stood a very good distance away from the city, and witnessed the army of clones retreating from it. With her arms crossed, and her battle attire ever so present, the princess made occasional glances in the direction where the Prince was supposedly positioned. She waited for him, feeling the urge to get into the fight, and just revel in the act of eliminating the threat. Her eyes narrowed, just as she picked up Vegeta's signature. She didn't look at him when he spoke, but she did acknowledge him before he could fly away; by unwrapping her arms from her chest, and flexing a fist, looking at it. "I don't intend to", it was a simple response yet a very determined one. After a few seconds, Kinoko took flight after the Prince. Once she was close enough, she took a shot of Ki, which flew past the Prince, and at a clone, followed by another one. She stopped before them, next to the Majin-Android and the other two Saiyans. "Unlike those we have already fought, even when not at full-power, you're definitely one who loves to keep talking", she said to the army of clones.