Felix followed Travis as he carried Zuri. After Travis placed her on a couch, Felix pulled Travis aside, speaking in a hallway out of earshot of Zuri. "Look, I'm sorry it took me so long to warn you. To be frank, I had never seen anything like that before. As I was watching through manalysis, I tried to observe her manawells. But they were shrouded with the same blackness that overcomes her when she goes berserk. It was only as it waned from your spell that I realized that there is little to nothing else inside her manawell besides that sinister blackness. I couldn't be positive until more of the blackness was erased from her manawell as your spell worked on her." Felix looked extremely concerned, his voice frantic. "The thing is, it was almost as if that berserk state was her natural state, and that the Zuri we all know is the byproduct of the curse she had placed on her. What I saw as the darkness faded around her manawell was a white seal placed around her talent well, her latent well was fueling the seals around her talent well. If that seal were to ever fall apart, we'd all be in trouble." Felix finished his explanation as he rested his hand on Travis's shoulder. Felix let out a deep sigh. This was a serious problem for everyone. The true Zuri might be a demonic presence capable of unimaginably powerful thaumaturgy. Felix was certain that even if he was complete like he was a year ago, he'd still have trouble contending with what he saw. [i]Who is the real Zuri? Is it the quiet and shy girl that we know? Or is that personality simply the effect of the seal that had been placed on her latent well long ago?[/i] Felix curled his forefinger on his chin as he thought to himself. Eventually he just shook his head. "No matter what, we will treat Zuri like we always have. With respect and love. I have to believe that the part of Zuri that we see is intrinsic to her. The good nature she has has to outweigh the destructive potential she poses. In the meantime, I will study sealing magic. If that side to her ever takes over completely, we'll need a way to suppress it again. I also think that we should tell her what I saw. If she knows, perhaps she can learn to control the darkness within her, and harness it for good." [hr] Raiya thought about the rules for a bit. She didn't want to tilt the odds too much in her favor, she didn't think it was very honorable to create a game where she was certain to win. [color=ec008c]"How about this? We'll have a gun race. You can use any pistol that is not automatic. We each stand 15 yards away from the mannequin target. The first one to unload 14 rounds and hit the mannequin with all of them wins. Does that sound fair?"[/color] Raiya suggested.