Thraine stopped mid swing when he heard someone call out to him and he looked over at the Redguard and eyed him for a second before finish his swing and made the metal clang one last time before nodding to his assistant and the Imperial pulled the hot metal from the anvil and dipped it into the barrel of cold water and the metal sizzled as it went in and when it was pulled back out it was forming up to be a beautifully made ebony great sword, he then grabbed it from his assistant and walked over to the Redguard before spitting in a spit tune off to the side making a clang as it went into the metal pot and he held up the ebony great sword looking at the blade before holding it out to the Redguard. His eyes as fierce as the fire he forged with, staring at the Redguard, starring at him waiting, a slight breeze goes by as he waits holding out the blade. The assistant has seen him do this dozens of times to test the person of their judgement, and to see if they were worth his time. The Smith continued to stare reading the Redguard, the crowd stood in silence and the guards readied themselves for any form of trouble.[@Rodiak]