[color=a187be][i]Elizabeth Imogen McShea, you are in hell.[/I][/color] It was the logical leap to make right? These monsters were definitely demons. Even among the few that didn't appear to be cold blooded reptiles most looked like they'd treat a stay in her fireplace back home no different from one at a Holiday Inn. But they weren't actively flaying the souls of the damned, why did that disappoint her? Lizzy began to pace, [color=00a99d]"Ma'am"[/color] she was completely oblivious to the comment coming from at her feet. She walked back & forth taking in the situation. Small talking monsters had appeared, and appeared to be pairing off with her fellow humans. [color=00a99d]"Excuse me ma'am"[/color] Lizzy began to walk away from the others with no real purpose. [color=00a99d]"Please ma'am"[/color] Lizzy pushed on with purpose if not aim. Before finally coming to a rather large rock grey, granite maybe by the looks of it, to be honest she wasn't concerned with it's composition. She noted how long it had been since she sat down and climbed atop the small boulder her legs dangling a half inch above the ground.[color=00a99d]"Ma'am"[/color] Lizzy felt a sensation unlike anything she had ever felt before indescribable really the closest thing she could remotely compare it to was walking directly at a gammy vineyard vine, [color=a187be][i]Ahh France was fun.[/I][/color] Lizzy forced herself back to reality to look at the thing that had touched her ankle. Everything clicked into place in Lizzy's mind as she looked down at the creature below her. [Color=a187be]"What the hell are you!"[/color] The plant thing seemed to smile at her finally acknowledging it. [color=00a99d]"I'm your pa-"[/color] Lizzy had interrupted the creature almost instantly. [Color=a187be]"I mean I know the spiel I saw the others, but you're a bloody sapling!"[/color] The Little creature looked at her intently now [color=00a99d]"Actually ma'am I'm a Lalamo-"[/color] Lizzy continued to speak, once more interrupting her counterpart. [Color=a187be]"I mean there was a dragon and I'm pretty sure I saw a robot and a dinosaur, you're a plant and not even a big one."[/color] The little plant creature looked almost defeated at her remark and though Lizzy wouldn't let it show she felt bad for the creature. [color=00a99d]"I'm sorry ma'am."[/color] She rolled her eyes at it's apology. [Color=a187be]"What's your name then?"[/color] [color=00a99d]"My what ma'am?"[/color] [Color=a187be]"Too late, it's Thorn, for what you lack physically & expressivey, we'll have to work on that."[/color]