[quote=DeathstrokeSW] Prime looked on as the two in front of him came driving forward, fists raised and engulfed in flame. They bore down on him hard. The force behind their punches was great, he was sure. But nevertheless, he caught their punches in his metal hands, and applied pressure. Though they were superhuman, this would likely break their bones. If it didn't, the pain could at least disorient.Again he spoke in his synthesized voice, this time remotely hacking the PA system. "Shadowhawk! You don't remember me, do you? We fought once before; within the sewers. I made that dent in your helm." Releasing the angel, he threw him at least to the wall of the compound if not through it. Then he punched Darkstar with enough force to fracture the jaw. Not even stopping, he did not check to see if his hits had taken them out of the fight, or even if they did any damage. His mind was already on the next threat. Next came the telekinetics. He took one look at Bishop and he snarled, a sound akin to metal being shredded. The snarl caught her attention and he punched her barrier. Being a telekinetic meant she wouldn't take any damage but by protecting herself she couldn't trap him. That was her companion's job. Her very vulnerable companion's job. With her focus on trapping him, she had to concentrate which meant she couldn't shield herself from an unexpected assault. A simple headbutt should suffice. Though he savored the fight, he knew the rest of the battle would not be so easy. But he had an ace up his metaphorical sleeve, one that would surprise them all. [/quote] Archangel and Darkstar continued their attempt to push the cyber villain back, grunting as forced their powerful fists to push against him. A slight spark of pain came from their hands, Prime had broken a few of their fingers. Even still they showed no pain, a growl of anger escaped Darkstar as she saw Prime's fist coming toward her. With her free hand she stopped it, a small shockwave emitting from it, her fist burned intensely like plasma around the cyborg's fist. As the cyborg spoke, Archangel reading his left fist to strike forward, burning with the intense blue flame. As he did he was thrown toward the mountains, the snow melting as his flames shot toward the mountainside. He was stopped by a violet colored barrier, softening his impact. Bishop kept up her barrier as it was punched, this was nothing to her, it was almost like he wasn't trying to actually fight them, only Shadowhawk. The machine's snarl didn't unnerve her, she met things much scarier than him and that was the truth. He glared, he was ready to draw his sword but he knew that he wasn't allowed to kill by law of his leader, Shadowhawk. He let out a battle cry as he sped toward the machine, tackling him and bringing him down the mountain with the aid of Darkstar. Burning hot cosmic energy and the heat of blue flames pressed up against the prometheum body of Prime. They kept on the attack, slamming him into the snow covered earth, both raised their fists, Darkstar raised her broken one, as did Archangel, they both gave out powerful war cries before striking their fists forward, their attack specifically aimed at the chest of Prime, Darkstar still had her firm grip on the machine's hand so there was no stopping them both at the same time.