Suddenly as if out of a horror movie little monsters began to appear. It took a moment for them all to begin popping up. Everyone had scattered a bit but remained in their clearing. It was not a good idea to leave the only meat shields behind entirely. Franky couldn't help but shake at the thought of some kind of Jurassic park nightmare to come out. He lifted the stool chair he had close by. He held it over his head and in both hands, ready to swing it or throw it. He felt a need to protect since he was one of the only males here, yet the young one, Alex was her name was on his mind in particular to not allow to get killed. Call it natural instincts to protect children, he didn't think much of his life anyway why not lose it being a hero? Then it happened. All at once more like. Every Digimon began escaping the forestation and coming into the light. Practically throwing themselves onto everyone. With cheery tones even despite their diverse monstrous appearance. But he couldn't help but feel panicked. [color=#C04000]"Watch out!"[/color] He shouted to everyone. He noticed they were actually holding conversations with these things. A dragon, a chess piece, A dinosaur, a talking plant.. The list went on. This strange assortment felt like a sick dream. He HAD to be on something now. He dropped the chair and rubbed his neck uneasily. He felt there, he felt sober if not a bit delirious. He wiped his forehead from sweat. As he did so he heard something creep up behind [i]him[/i]. He turned with whiplash to see what it was, jumping forward and nearly falling when he saw the shiny metal hide and sharp claws of a full fledged rookie digimon. Though he did not know that. He went for his chair again and scream with all his might and brought it down on the Digimon. The cheap metal of the chair bounced off his head with a clang and Franky was forced to let go of the chair, as it vibrated too strongly. The Digimon looked at him with a cocky grin. [color=#C11B17]"So you're my partner huh? I imagined you'd be bigger. The names Ludomon!"[/color] Z fell on his ass once it started speaking to him. He tried to regain some composure but couldn't help but just sit and blink. [color=#C11B17]"I'm the toughest thing ever buddy and don't you forget it! That tiny thing felt like a pebble."[/color] Ludomon chuckled, wagging his tail to show he was friendly. Franky got the message and crawled to his feet. He knelt down to meet eyes with Ludomon and pointed to himself. [color=#C04000]"Yo.. I'm Franky. But you can call me Z."[/color] [color=#C11B17]"Yo Z!"[/color] Ludomon said with a sharp toothed grin and happy eyes. Z scratched his head. [color=#C04000]"I'm your.. partner?"[/color] He asked in slow realization. Ludomon nodded. [color=#C11B17]"Yup, you're a Digidestined and I'm your Digimon partner. Together there will be no stopping us from taking down those bad guys!"[/color] Franky tilted his head. This was a lot to process but he was not one to overlook that these Digimon were all saying relatively the same thing. So it must be true. Just what the hell was going on where HE was chosen to be some kind of savior? [color=#C04000][i]This place is doomed.[/i][/color] He immediately thought as he looked at Ludomon's cheerful expression.