[color=dodgerblue]"Well I mean, inventing a new identity for yourself is an option. And if that's too expensive, well, have you ever considered trying to cap off the problem at the source? I mean, if your boss is hiring mercs to come after you, then I'm betting he's not a good boss to work for."[/color] Hazan followed Daro into her clinic and sat down on one of the many chairs in her rudimentary waiting room. He'd been in here several times over the few months that he'd spent on Omega, one of Daro's regular customers filled with either bullet holes, stab wounds or anything of the sort that demanded pretty much the only honest doctor on the station that didn't overcharge him. Her boss, Perix Jonike, was a scoundrel though. A thorough asshole through and through, putting his genius-level intellect to control a healthcare and medical resource racket so huge that the only person that was bigger than him was Aria T'loak herself. Many had crossed his path; lots of third party mercenaries on Omega had worked for him in one way or another, and he had a few private wings of the real big merc groups like the Blue Suns and Eclipse in his pocket. His clinics and pharmacies overcharged for even the simplest of things like medi-gel or even bandages, his doctors gave cut-price remedies for twice the selling price and a lot of his customers eventually wound up dead from the things his doctors supposedly treated successfully. Daro was one of the doctors on his payroll that, thankfully, didn't subscribe to that whole dumb idea, but he didn't know what she'd done to earn his ire. Regardless, the monopoly on medicine in Omega had to end, one way or another. The station was a shithole, but people deserved to have affordable healthcare without the threat of mercs breathing down their necks if they didn't pay protection fees or overpriced band-aids. With his background in intelligence and gathering information in the turian Navy, Hazan already had reasonably large dossiers on all the major players on Omega, if and when he returned to the waking world instead of bumming around the ass end of the galaxy. He knew, in general, what Perix's organisation was like, how it was structured and the handful of major players within. However, what information he did have was probably outdated by now; changes in the playing field happened on an almost day-to-day basis and without fresh intel, the thought of some kind of misguided revenge plot would fizzle and die before it could even begin. They had to start small, pick at the bottom feeders before moving up to the big guns. And he had just the idea. [color=dodgerblue]"A salarian like Perix would have a lot of Omega's mercs under his thumb, wouldn't he? Through some sort of third party employer? I bet that's how he got those thugs to harass your clinic. I think we should start with them, see how he's hiring his mercs. If we can dismantle Perix's operation piece by piece, sooner or later he's going to have no where to run when we eventually out this monopoly of his to Aria. Then we can leave him and get out of this shithole while Aria has her way with his guts. Sound good?"[/color]