[hider=Death Stinger][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/6ea8/f/2011/107/e/5/giant_gnat___gyromancer_by_kunkka-d3e96j3.jpg[/img] Species name: Death Stinger Food source: Anything it can get its feelers on. Size: It is 5 feet tall and weighs only around Eighty five pounds. Natural abilities: It can fly fairly fast. It has a tough spiked hide on some areas. Can smell something from half a mile away and can taste things in the air. Has a sharp edged spike that is very hard chitin. Injects foes with a poison that paralyzes. Has multiple eyes and can see from all directions. Magical abilities: Can reinforce its stinger with magic to pierce even stone. Usual Temperaments: A creature that minds its own business unless its attention is redirected. Very hostile if provoked and will attack until it either calms down or has killed its target. Locations Found: In the wild jungles of Vrondi, Gaia and Tearia. Weaknesses: Is weak against extreme heat or cold. Does not weigh much and its wings are very light and can easily be damaged.[/hider]