[h2]Jack Valent[/h2] Jack's offer of assistance was happily requested by Jensen, and with little time lost, he began whipping up a batch of his own pancakes. "Whipping up", what a curious term. What could it refer to specifically, when it was used in such a broad fashion? In due course, most everyone else who wasn't already there poured into the kitchen after he had, ready for breakfast and whatnot. First, Myles with a bit of a downer expression - 'Morning, Myles. Like Jensen said, we're just cooking pancakes; I know they aren't normally your thing, so if you want, I can whip up some bacon and eggs for you instead? Man, they always forget about the sausage in that, despite it being such an important part of the meal. Sure, you can have bacon and eggs on their own, but it's just not the same, is it?' Then came Chloe, who called out her presence before even reaching the room - 'Hi, Chloe. They do smell good, right? Feel free to have some if the sandwich isn't good.' Next up, Luka, looking as good as ever and asking how their mornings had been - 'Morning, Luka. My day's been pretty good so far, even if it's just been showering and all that. And a bit of cooking, too. You look great, man, nice outfit.' Giovanni came in a little while after that, asking if he could get some of those pancakes - 'Sure thing, Gio. They're for basically everyone, after all. I'll probably have some once everyone else has theirs, I reckon.' And then Nilin arrived, looking way better dressed than pretty much everyone else in the room, even Luka - 'Holy crap. Yeah, you look [i]amazing.[/i] You'll be the talk of the town, I'm sure - is that old-fashioned of me to say? I mean, I know it is, but if it's true, then it's probably not an old-fashioned sentiment, right? Plus, Viorel is the oldest-fashioned person, and he's never said it, so it's probably not that old-fashioned yet.' Bridget was next down the line, and by this time, Jack and Jensen were basically done making and passing out their pancakes, so Jack moved on to Myles' bacon and eggs. Admittedly, Jack wasn't sure how to approach Bridget, given how hostile she seemed to be to everyone but Myles, and even he wasn't always on her good side. She was dressed well, though, so Jack figured he'd address that - 'Morning, Bridget. I'm gonna say something, actually, and it's that you look damn good in that dress. Gives you an aura of power, you know? Everyone likes to feel powerful, don't they, so whatever you're wearing, more power to you. That applies to everyone, really,' he continued, addressing the entire room pretty confidently. 'We're gonna have a good time today, I can feel it! I mean, unless some huge tragedy happens, but it's a pride parade, and we're there, so I imagine it'll be fine.' Finally, Viorel leaned into the room, calling Luka and Myles away to chat with him. 'I'll have your stuff done for when you get back, Myles!' Jack called as he walked out, leaving him to finish off the bacon and eggs and sausage- no, actually, it was sausage, bacon, and eggs. The sausage was arguably the most important part, since he thought about it. Or at least had the most bulk compared to the other two aspects of it. Regardless, he finished those off, with a bit extra in case anyone else wanted some too, turning the heat down on the pan to make sure all of that stayed warm and ready to be served, then took to the table and grabbed some pancakes for himself, drizzling them with syrup before tucking in. 'Mm. You did good on these, Jensen,' Jack uttered after a couple of mouthfuls. He really had, honestly, they had quite a few good cooks in the SYNBAD building. Usually Gemina insisted on cooking, but it was always a good time being able to contribute to the offerings made.