Roxy snorted when Jess said her mother was a social worker. She couldn't help it. She had had dealings with social workers in the past. As far as she was concerned they were a good doers who couldn't actually do jack shit. The few who actually wanted to help the angry girl she had been were trapped by red tape. The others had been bought off by her father. She didn't doubt that Jess' mom would notice the people watching them simply because the empath couldn't stop noticing them. [color=blue]"In case you haven't noticed I have no control over these people. They do what they want to do. Will they be watching. Probably. They have always been watching me so I doubt they will stop just because your mom might spot them."[/color] Roxy answered honestly. She was as honest with Jess as she could be. Mostly because it wasn't the empath's fault that her crap was making their lives difficult. [color=blue]"Your mom has probably already seen my file. I'm sure she'll think the moron's hanging around are just there to protect me and keep you out of harm's way." [/color]Her file didn't say anything interesting. She had never personally been in any serious trouble. Fighting was her biggest offence. And all of that had been in self defence. Not that anyone believed her.