They edged forward slowly, reluctant to move too quickly in the stygian darkness. After the horrors they had seen above ground they all feared to imagine what might be lurking in the darkness. The further they went however, the more normal things seemed. More normal for trapped beneath the earth on the fringes of the Chaos waste values of normal at any rate. The smooth rocky tunnel was alien to all but Skaldi but no monstrositis leaped forth to tear them apart. Even the pounding of the Dragon Ogre passed away qickly. Camilla kept close to Cydric, squeezing his hand. The contact semed to infuse her with strength, as well as giving her the chance to pretend that she couldn’t see as well as it were daylight. The improved vision scared her and she began to feel uneasy, fearing perhaps that mutation had set into her despite Dietricha’s lack of reaction when she looked her over. The wizard strode forward confidently despite repeatedly bumping into half seen stalagtites. Yantz, pragmatic if not heroric, followed behind her, easily avoiding the pitfalls that befell his apparent employer. The Reiklander was loading a pistol as he walked, his movements expert and all the more impressive for being in near total darkness. He seemed to be mumbling something to himself, perhaps a prayer. She still wasn’t quite sure who they were or where they had come from but asking now, even in a whisper would be both obvious and extremely impolite. Mentally she framed her own prayer to Ranald. “There it is manlings,” Skadi declared as they rounded a particularly jagged bend. The tunnel before them was five times the height of a man and easily as wide. Water rushed down a gentle incline in a torrent which whipped itself white wherever the drop got particularly steep. The running water caught the glint of the lantern and reflected and refracted it into a dazzling light show. Dietricha leaned close to the water and sniffed at it. “There is no taint,” she declared. “Aye the rock protects,” Skaldi agreed, in what sounded like a Dwarven saying. Camilla remembered from previous conversations with the Dwarf that many Dwarven holds were spared the corrupting winds of chaos due to their subterranean locations. “So we follow this and see if we can find a way out?” Camilla asked, pointing down the running stream. “Aye maybe,” Skaldi said, “But it will lead us back west towards the see, “If we are making for Kislev we might be better to climb. Camilla looked up the gentle cascade, trying to imagine spending hours or days climbing against the water. What she really wanted to do was stop and rest, but the memory of the Dragon Ogre’s pounding was too recent to make that thought a comfortable one.