[center]Olivia's eyes flicked between Harry and Emily as they bickered back and forth, clearly having known each other from the past. It was a confusing conversation to Olivia, and she briefly wondered of they'd ever hooked up or if she was reading that entire situation incorrectly. But then introductions were passed around and Olivia smiled politely, running her hands through her blonde hair as she sat sideways in her seat to face them all more directly as she was on the far right side of the room, closest to the hallway. [color=Yellow]"Olivia Ashton, frequent visitor here as the principal has it out for me. He clearly wouldn't know what creativity was if it bit him in the ass,"[/color] Olivia said with a roll of her eyes, her lips puckered in annoyance. Nearby, Benjamin folded folded over the corner of the current page he was reading, closing the book and setting it on his desk as he couldn't read and hold a conversation at the same time. Tucking his long dark hair behind his ears, he cleared his throat quietly and looked at them each in turn. [color=SteelBlue]"I'm Benji, short for Benjamin but the only person who calls me that is my grandmother," [/color] He said with a shrug of his shoulders as he crossed his arms on the desk on front of him, leaning on them comfortably and hunching his shoulders slightly as he sat forward. Olivia smiled politely at the darker male, [color=yellow]"Benji it is then,"[/color] she said before flicking her eyes back to look st Harry curiously. [color=yellow]"So you two know each other?"[/color] Olivia said in a offhand voice, looking at Emily with mild interest as she wanted to know more about the three new people in the room, Harry especially. [/center]