[center][h1][color=red]ʜᴇɴʀɪᴋ ʜᴏʀɴᴛᴀɪʟ[/color][/h1][/center] Henrik was taken aback when Aiden's hair suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but stare at his hair for a long time. He overheard Annabeth mention the words metamophmagus. Was that a kind of creature human hybrid? Henrik had never heard of the word before, but at the same time felt embarrassed that he didn't know what that was. [color=red]"Can you change your hair to any color, Aiden?"[/color] Henrik asked, somewhat mystified as they walked off the train. It was extremely cloudy and overcast, and Henrik watched as a wave of first years headed towards the boats that would float them across the river. Spotting his luggage in the crowd, Henrik grabbed it and hoisted it onto his shoulder with one hand. A few other students standing around him gawked in amazement, like he was some kind of god. Henrik nodded towards Aiden. [color=red]"Hold a carriage seat for me, I tend to stay back a little bit to help move the trunks."[/color] With that, Henrik hoisted another student's chest onto his other shoulder, balancing both on his shoulders and walking off towards designated carriages that would take everyone's belongings. Later to be sorted into the house. It wasn't at all necessary for Henrik to help, but he primarily did it to challenge himself. He always worked hard to become stronger, and heavy weightlifting was his best way to do that. It only took a few trips back and forth for all of the student's chests to be sorted out, with Henrik's arms only a slightly bit sore. He rubbed his bicep to try and relax it.[color=red][i]"Guess it has been a while since I've worked these... I should start training more regularly again."[/i][/color] But between all of his lessons and homework, this was usually difficult. Henrik spotted the carriage that Aiden had claimed and joined him inside, not surprised to see the young Annabeth with them again. Henrik began to assume that he probably wouldn't see that Slytherin girl again. Not that he minded. Good riddance, in his eyes. [center][h1][color=springgreen]𝒜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹[/color][/h1][/center] Arielle closed the door of her carriage, sitting with the three other Slytherin girls who had harassed her on the train. Her melancholy eyes scanned over them, before resting on the window and gazing out. [color=olive]"This year we are bound to win the house cup. With all of the ingrediants that Marissa was able to smuggle in her luggage, we will be able to make enough Polyjuice potion for the entire year to imitate so many students. And as we imitate those snooty Ravenclaws, dumb-dumb Hufflepuffs, and meathead Gryffindors, we can run around losing house points for them left and right. It is pure genius!"[/color] The girl cackled, placing with her sleek black hair. [color=green]"And all possible, thanks to the queen brewery witch herself, Arielle."[/color] Marissa grinned ear to ear, mischevious delight springing in her eyes as the carriages began to move towards Hogwarts. Oh, quite the plan it was to Arielle. It didn't take long to hatch it up. Arielle had the very tiniest grin in the corner of her lips, but it didn't really show. She held up three hairs in her hand, one long, brown, and wavy. The other blonde and curly, and the other a shiny bright blue. Each belonging to the 3 students she had road with on the train. [color=springgreen]"Just to start off our collection so far..."[/color] She handed the hairs to Marissa for safe keeping. Marissa stored them in a vial, which she then stored in her wizarding robes. The three Slytherin girls continued to chat on the ride to the castle, while a gentle downpour began outside the window. Arielle couldn't help but just stare out the window, looking at some of the other carriages that moved by. She wondered if the one she was looking at right now contained those students she had rode with... or more specifically Annabeth. [color=olive]"Don't go getting attached, Arielle. You know that Annabeth girl is a mudblood"[/color] The Slytherin girl shivered in her robes just at mentioning the disgusting background of Annabeth. Arielle shot her a quick side glance, before returning her gaze out the window. [color=springgreen]"I know she is."[/color] She continued to stare longingly from the window.