[hider=Damian Kayne] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/88f1/f/2011/028/8/3/white_raven_by_nuriko_kun-d38a8jf.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Damian Kayne Age: 25 Gender: Male Personality: Damian is very reckless and arrogant which causes him to act before thinking frequently. He is very confident in his own abilities and doesn’t like working with other people unless he has to. Because of this, he has difficulty making friends with his allies. Short Bio and reason why they came to the New World: Damian lived most of his life in Dundorma. He took an interest in becoming a Hunter at a young age, following in his father’s footsteps. He trained Main Weapon: [url=https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Blacksteel+Chopper+II] Blacksteel Chopper [/url] Secondary Weapon: [url=https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Iron+Demon+II] Iron Demon [/url] Armor of Choice: [url=https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Rathian+Alpha+Armor+Set] Rathian α [/url] Other notes: Despite being reckless and arrogant most of the time he is capable of coming up with good strategies to take down monsters. He prefers to use heavy weapons like the Great Sword or Hammer and unleash brutal head-on attacks to take down enemies [/hider]