Posted what I could. Would have written more but my laptop kept dying on me, so I figured I'd stop where I did and continue on in the next post. [quote=@Dutchess Sarah] submitted my first post, tried to stick as closely to the characters, events & timelines in HP as possible. Jake's in year 7, just like Fred and George Weasley, during the whole Goblet of Fire storyline. one question did arise while writing... are we omitting the whole "HP gets drawn as well and of course wins this tournament though it should be way out of his league" or are we adding that as well? Just asking 'cause that affects the storyline and leaves the question of "who's the DADA teacher" this year?[/quote] Well, I honestly don't know if we should bring HP in, or if we should just choose one of our characters to have some kind of connection to Voldie, and have them be "the chosen one". Of course, unbeknownst to them haha. But, yeah. It could be interesting to bring HP into the mix, but it could be equally so writing our own story. The DADA teacher remains the same regardless. Madeye Moody, and he'll still be taken over by Barty Crouch Jr. as canon would have it. [@Noxxis] [@Nallore] [@Dutchess Sarah] What do you guys think? Should we bring HP in, or should we leave him out of this?