WEST GATE ------------------------------------------- The second gate was met with what appeared to be many nobles from out of the country, word of the tournament reached far it seems. Not that it mattered to this woman, she simply wanted to gain entry. To make sure things went swimmingly, however, she would have to mind her P's & Q's for now. Finally getting her turn in line, Hisana made her way to the official guarding the gate. [color=9e005d]"Hello, my name is Hisana. I'm a traveling mercenary-for-hire and I wish to enter this year's tournament."[/color] Hisana placed her elbows on the table as to reveal more of her bust to the gatekeeper sitting opposite her. The guard took a noticeable glance at the estranged woman before regaining focus. "Well, that's fine Ma'am, just allow me to process the necessary paperwork and you'll be on your merry way. May I see it please?" Said the guard in a somewhat uncomfortable tone. Hisana held out her left arm as she used the right to pull something out of her sleeve; she began to take out a fancy roll of documents from the left sleeve. However, it was easy to tell that her glove was skin tight, so it appeared as though she pulled the paper out of nowhere. Perplexed, the guardsman looked on with a curious squint. "Um...excuse me Ma'am, but are you some sort of street performer? In this place where REAL magic is common ground, I don't think your simple parlor tricks will net you very far..." Said the guard as he took the paperwork from Hisana's hand. He began looking through it with his hand resting on his jaw. [color=9e005d]"Oh, I do agree, as such I mainly reserve those tricks for parties and places where money is gambled away."[/color] Responded the flashy woman. After several minutes, the guard firmly placed a seal on the documents with a stamp and handed them back to the woman. "Alright, your paperwork checks out, Ma'am. It seems your combat ability is quite noteworthy according to your background, I'm sure the students will be able to learn a lot from you." Said the gatekeeper. "You may pass. You will find the tournament registration site in the courtyards of the academy. Take the main road and watch for the banners, you can't miss it." [color=9e005d]"Thanks, love. I'm sure it will be an excellent learning experience for all of us~"[/color] Mused Hisana as she made her way passed the gate. As she guard took a sip from his cup, he begat a unpleasant expression on his face as he quickly spat out the drink. "Ugh!" Was all he managed to say. "What's your problem, Magnov?" Said his fellow watchmen. "The mead I was drinking just turned rancid for some reason! I've never tasted something so putrid in my life!" Magnov's cat beastkin colleague couldn't help but laugh at the man trying to get the taste out of his mouth. The cat then turned an eye to the lady leaving the premises, having a feeling that she was the one responsible. "[i]I should invite her to one of our parties sometime. That lass seems like she knows how to have fun!"[/i] He thought to himself. As she made her way into the city the bustle of the festivities could be seen, street paved with vendors and party goers. Many students could also be seen making their way to the site as well; Hisana figured if she got lost she could just tail one of them. As she began walking further into the city, she wondered if her icy friend picked up on her trial yet. She hadn't seen him since the incident in Renvall. Giggling to herself, she made a money pouch appear with just a flick of her wrist. Bouncing it up and down in her palm she quietly thought to herself. [color=9e005d]"I wonder how long it will take that fool guard to realize that I stole his wallet? Teehee~"[/color] So far gaining entry into the capital went without a hitch, takes to her falsifying documents with Flimsy Lies. [hr] WEST GATE ----------------------------------------------- Sometime after a certain dame passed the gate, a figure dressed in eastern attire white as snow made his way to the gatekeeper. This time, however, it was the cat beastkin. "Good afternoon, sir. By your dress I'd wager your from the lands far to the east. I must say we don't get too many of your kind here." The guard took notice of the man's peculiar-looking sword. "I imagine you're here to register for the tournament?" [color=00aeef]"Originally yes, but there is a more pressing issue at hand. If you see a young woman with long red hair and a rose bustier, you have to detain her immediately! She's a dangerous murderer!"[/color] Said the mercenary in a rushed tone. The guard looked at the man with a rather surprised expression, taking in his words. "I did, as a matter of fact, see a lass matching your description come by here. My friend just passed her through registration not too long ago, quite the card that one. However, she didn't appear to look or match the part of being some dangerous criminal. That, and her paper work checked out. If anything, you look more suspicious spouting out random accusations without any hard proof." Said the cat guard as he folded his arms, leaning back in his chair. [color=00aeef]"I...listen, what reason would I have to lie to you? I'm a bounty hunter who keeps the balance by taking out different targets, and I'm telling you she's one of them! You wanna see my bingo book?"[/color] Said the hunter as he reached into his pockets for something. "That won't be necessary, friend. After processing her paperwork, her name didn't show up anywhere in the records as a wanted criminal. As far as we can see, she's as clean as a whistle." Asserted the guard. [color=00aeef]"I...I see, is that right?"[/color] The hunter's fears came to pass, it seems she was indeed able to get a pass through the system with fake paperwork. "Yeah, it is. Now are you going to register or not? I can't picture you coming all this way just to stir commotion at this festive time; you're holding up the line I'll have ya know!" At this point the guard was becoming impatient with the bounty seeker. With a heavy sigh, the hunter knew he was getting nowhere fast. Oh well, he'd have to find another way.[color=00aeef]"Please forgive me."[/color] Politely replied the young man. "All is forgiven, name please?" Asked the guard. [color=00aeef]"Enishi Fuyu".[/color] "Hmm, I seem to remember some of my friends talking about some weird Taoist mercenary who was making quite the name for himself out in the field of bounty hunting. Well, you certainly are weird, that's for sure. But, I also sense a kindred spirit in you." The cat's tone shifted to a more light-hearted one. [color=00aeef]"You flatter me, sir."[/color] Said Enishi as he handed the guard his paperwork. After few minutes, the guard stamped the documents with the official kingdom seal. "Alright laddie, you're free to go! The tournament registration grounds are on the school premises. Head down the main road and you'll arrive in no time. Just head to any of the courtyards, they're in the purple tents." The guard handed the papers back to Enishi. [color=00aeef]"Thank you, sir, I'll be on my way then. By the way, where's your friend?[/color] Asked the mercenary. "He's currently not available. Seems the poor guy lost his wallet somehow, he's turning the whole gate upside down trying to find it. I fear he may go mad looking for it, he was going to buy his children souvenirs. I'm surprised he hasn't shut the line down yet." Said the guard with a shrug. [color=00aeef]"I see...very well then. Thanks anyway."[/color] Said Enishi as he made his way into the city. He was taken a back by the preparations for the Grand Festival; the capital city was as beautiful as the rumors suggested. Looking at all the students preparing for the tournament also got him excited. But, duty calls first! It was time to earn his pay and keep the townspeople safe. [i][color=00aeef]"I will find you Hisana. And when I do, I'll sublimate you!"[/color][/i]