[h3][color=f6989d]Yasaliah Josk: Pilot[/color][/h3] Yasaliah, still at the controls, heard the distant sounds of an Ular being exploded. Perfect. [color=f6989d]"Thanks, Dev,"[/color] She said simply and earnestly and returned the wave. He had a habit for using high explosives in tight corridors- but whatever gets the job done, right? With no more distractions she returned her eyes to the various monitoring equipment available. Still following the oribtal path around the Ulnar ship, though taking care to keep the path unpredictable. Her breathe was quick and her pink hands had white knuckles as she attempted to keep the Monroe from being struck. [color=f6989d]"I'm moving the nose of our ship up, adjust your aim, Tony,"[/color] She said over the comms. The enemy fire was evaded successfully with Yasaliah's maneuvers, the glowing projectiles zooming past and flying off into space to probably get sucked into a star in 200 years from now. She tried not to think about the vastness of space and continued the evasive manuevers. [color=f6989d]"They have a damn big ship,"[/color] She said absent mindedly as she glared at it, her piercing blue eyes narrowing as it came into clear view on the monitor. [color=f6989d]"Captain, are we leaving? Or are we, uh, finishing this?"[/color] She asked with a nervous twitch in her voice, as a projectile managed to slam into the ship, glancing off the shields in a violent explosion.