[h2][center]Defenders of Cinix[/center][/h2] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/8ee7/f/2009/221/3/8/city_concept_2_by_frenic.jpg[/img] "[url=https://frenic.deviantart.com/art/City-Concept-2-132784058]City Concept 2[/url]" by [url=https://frenic.deviantart.com/]frenic[/url] licensed under [url=https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/]CC BY-NC-ND 3.0[/url][/center] [center]Cinix City - A thriving, bustling metropolis which grew to be as such in an amazingly short span of time. For years, it has offered comfortable lifestyles and low crime rates to its residents. That was, until the recent months when individuals with strange abilities have started to appear without explanation and are threatening the safety of civilians. Through the deployment of agents to get to the bottom of this odd phenomenon, the mayor of Cinix has acquired knowledge of technology enabling inter-dimensional travel, though, its source still remains a mystery. However, the duplication of the discovered technology is now allowing Cinix agents to expand their search for the much-needed heroes to patrol and defend their city. Various individuals across the multiverse have been discovering strange emblems left for them, serving as their personal pathways to the city. All that is left would be for them to accept the invitation to be part of the team they have been recruited to join, be it the team that defends, or the one that destroys. (This will be a sandboxish RP with a lighthearted theme that focuses on interactions among characters from various universes.)[/center] Stuff to note: - Please avoid content that is excessively and unnecessarily obscene and disturbing. - Please avoid powergaming and metagaming (no nuking the entire city, killing other players' characters, or anything of that sort). - Please let us know if you'll be away for more than a week. - If you wish to leave the RP, please let us know before you do. - Recommended maximum number of characters per player is four. - Any questions or suggestions, please leave them below. - Have fun! [u]Choose Your Hero/Villain[/u] Name: Universe: Appearance: Skill set/Abilities: Background: Other information: [hider=Hero Emblem][img]https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1722/41795494985_46979d06c6.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Villain Emblem][img]https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1724/41795495185_1fd64d186b.jpg[/img][/hider]