[@Rai] Despite hearing Zephel call his "mini-dragon" a fire lizard Xuon still believed that he might be right about the monster, and wondered how he could best use to obtain fame and wealth. The weird cat he had gotten interested him far less, but he wasn't gonna refuse it. [color=ed1c24]"Can I get these guys back in those stones myself in case something goes wrong?"[/color] He had no intention on going out in the wild and was stalling to think of a way to get out of it without breaking promise. That said if he couldn't think of anything he would do it, he had more promised after all. Meanwhile the Fire Lizard and Bob-tailed cat got off to a bad start when the flying reptile decided that it would get around easier by riding his new teammate. The whole thing almost escalated in a fight when "the new mount" made it's displeasure clear by giving it's rider a not too painful whack with it's tail. [hider=Xuon] Name: Xuon (pronounced Sku-on) Age: 13 Inventory: Dried meat and other essentials for survival as well as a book about edible plants and fungi. Monster Team: [list] [*] Fire Lizard [*] Ball-tailled cat [/list] [/hider]