[hider=The Dunk][color=silver] [center] [img] https://s15.postimg.cc/qk9xqk4y3/dudeo.png [/img] [color=0099aa][h2] DUNCAN STEWART [/h2][h3]"The Dunk" [/h3][/color] [/center] [color=0099aa][b]AGE:[/b] [/color] [indent]Sixteen[/indent] [color=0099aa][b]GENDER:[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=0099aa][b]PERSONALITY:[/b][/color] [indent]Loud, boisterous and usually found at the center of attention, Duncan comes across as the quintessential jock. Name a party - or any social gathering, really - and you can be sure to find him there. If not flirting by the pool, then making a name for himself at the beer pong table or the dance floor. He's outgoing and sociable with a tendency for pranks and mischief - something that has caused undue conflict between Duncan and some of his friends in the past. Admittedly, he can be a bit 'too much' at times; so focused on having fun that he forgets others' feelings in the process. Even so, he isn't a bad friend and will look out for those in his inner circle; sometimes he just needs a proverbial slap back to reality. But despite his well-crafted 'devil may care' attitude, Duncan is, at heart, an escapist and a coward, just as hooked on attention and adrenaline as he is on nicotine. He's deadly afraid of losing face, and though he likes to establish himself as the leader of most groups, when it comes down to it, he is a follower. What his older and cooler teammates do, he does after them - even if it involves bullying others or breaking the law. In short, Duncan is a kid who never [i]asked [/i]to be a big name - but since he turned out one anyway, he figures the only thing he can do is ride the wave until he crashes. [/indent] [color=0099aa][b]OTHER:[/b] [/color] [indent] 🏀 Stands at 6'5'' 🏀 Local basketball ace; the source of his nickname. 🏀 While he seems to be soaking in all the attention and fame from his 'budding sports career', Duncan doesn't actually care much for basketball. He went to try the sport out in search of a mindless distraction, and somehow got coached into the local ace of his age group. Now, it's all too late for him to quit. 🏀 Lives alone with his father, but doesn't really talk about his home situation. Prefers to stay over at his grandparents' house whenever able. 🏀 Smoker. Usually turns to the cig when he's nervous or stressed out in particular. 🏀 Was among the first to be allowed on the trip. He isn't sure if his father remembers him asking, but he is sure his absence won't be noticed. [/indent][/color][/hider]