[color=fff79a][b]Surta Matahari Huchson[/b][/color][hr] From the vent, into the maintenance access, and into the building, where she easily followed the man. Just like that, she found her target; the dealer meeting with his high ranking contacts; some sort of woman named Flambe, from what she could hear of the conversation. Surely this wasn't some ordinary person, not with how she carried herself and how she wore. It was something she had picked up in her days, the way a person carried themselves, the way they dressed, and what details they pay attention to. She could, right then and there, cut down the large person, knock out the man with the same movement, then pull out his gun to threaten the woman before any of them could blink. But, Surta was more interested in the boss the man mentioned; someone higher up the ladder, with presumably more knowledge than these two would have. So thus, she kept silent, biding her time.