For Maria, it was a rough night. Not because she partied too hard but because of the incident she was involved in with Elora. She should have figured as much too. She just hoped that Elora was ok. But not knowing anything hurt the most for her. At any rate, it was new day and Maria just decided to do what she did best. Train. Asking for Jake's assistance, he agreed to do some simulations in the V.R. pods to get her up to speed with her perfect sync. Jake admitted that he also needed some training. Said something about focusing on both his sync rate and his own physical body. Though it wasn't long before both heard the announement to report into the briefing room. Both Jake and Maria took seats and listened in. For Jake, though, it was no surprise that Fortress was their next stop. After the party, he had decided to see if there was any important news on the war. And the takeover of Fortress was the top of the list. Pilots and cadets asked the usual questions. Maria, though, kept quiet for once. Usually, she'd had asked for something like intelligence data. Though for Jake, that was THE question for him. You always wanted to know what was coming or what you were going to get into if at all possible. So when Jake heard Ritsu's order for Elise and Katya making her comment about Irina and her "without knowing more about the enemy's strength and deployment" part, Jake then spoke. "If I may ma'am. We could always use my recon drones. I had spoke to Elise about this before but if you want, I can have Elise control the drones from the bridge of the ship and have them simply scout the capital out to see what were at least going to be dealing with initially. I know this ship has it's own sensors but the drones will be more accurate with visuals and data analyzing...I know it's weird to request Elise but I still acknowledge her as my superior despite her "demotion" so if you don't mind, I would like to put my trust in her to be this teams extra eyes and ears. Course, we'd have to be cautious. Despite their small size, the last battle has shown that they can be destoryed with precision fire."