[hider=The Republic of Paraka] [center][h1]The Republic of Paraka[/h1] [i]The Old Spirit of the New World [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/althistory/images/0/04/Bandera_de_Brasil_%28MIM%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20150918005943&path-prefix=es[/img] [/i][/center] 1. [B]Official Name of Nation[/B]:[I] The Republic of Paraka[/I] 2. [B]Capital[/B]: Vashaqamak 3. [B]Head of State[/B]: President Armaq Talaqo 4. [B]Nation Breakdown[/B] Great Power: 125 Points - 5th Continent - [U][B]Administration[/B][/U] * [B]Stability of the Government[/B]: 6 * [B]Integrity of the Government[/B]: 6 * [B]Competency of the Bureaucracy[/B]: 7 - [U][B]Economics[/B][/U] * [B]Competitiveness of the Economy[/B]: 10 * [B]Development of the Coal Industry[/B]: 5 * [B]Development of the Steel Industry[/B]: 4 * [B]Development of the Petrol Industry[/B]: 2 * [B]Development of the Chromium Industry[/B]: 2 * [B]Development of Small Arms Industry[/B]: 1 * [B]Development of Munitions Industry[/B]: 1 * [B]Development of Automobile Industry[/B]: 1 * [B]Development of the Agriculture Industry[/B]: 4 * [B]Development of Shipbuilding Industry[/B]: 3 * [B]Mechanization[/B]: 10 * [B]Number of Specialized Workers[/B]: 7 * [B]Urbanization[/B]: 5 - [U][B]Military[/B][/U] * [B]Quality of Standard Rifle[/B]: 1 * [B]Quality of Field Gun[/B]: 1 * [B]Quality of Machine Gun[/B]: 1 * [B]Quality of the Army[/B]: 1 * [B]Logistics Capacity of the Army[/B]: 1 * [B]Quality of the Officer Corps[/B]: 1 * [B]Competency of Army High Command[/B]: 1 * [B]Quality of the Navy[/B]: 2 * [B]Logistics Capacity of the Navy[/B]: 2 * [B]Quality of the Officer Corps[/B]: 2 * [B]Competency of Navy High Command[/B]: 2 - [U][B]Culture & Nation[/B][/U] * [B]Colonial Holdings[/B]: 0 * [B]Homogeneity of the Nation[/B]: 6 * [B]Nationalist Beliefs[/B]: 8 * [B]Irredentist Beliefs[/B]: 0 * [B]Population[/B]: 7 * [B]Metropolitan Infrastructure[/B]: 5 * [B]Road Network[/B]: 3 * [B]Rail Network[/B]: 7 [/hider] [hider=Description] [B]Official Name[/B]: The Republic of Grand Paraka [B]Motto[/B]: "Strong we stand against the old world" [B]Stance[/B]: Don't poke at us and we won't stab you [B]Geography[/B]: ???? [B]Demographics[/B]: The population of Paraka is conformed by a mixed population of natives and colonists from back on the colonial era before the Republic of Paraka achieved its independence from the old world. Nonetheless, there are some exceptions to this in the cases of some native ethnicities which have remained pure because of sheer geographical or self-enforced isolation. The same can be said about some more Euranian ethnicities, however, it doesn't take them that long to become mixed with the population. Most of the mixed population lives within the urban center, while those on the rural regions can claim of being of being purer in the sense of having a chocolate colored skin compared to the coffee looking mixed. The racial question of superiority in Paraka takes some rather strange steps in rather bizarre directions when speaking of native Parakans, although most of the proponents of racial superiority, be it of pure Parakans, mixed Parakans or Euranians don't enjoy much popularity because of the mixed nature of the demographics of the republic. After while a star a trouble that may get you involved with the descendants of natives who have about a couple dozen million descendants alive. [B]Culture[/B]: The culture of Paraka is a mix of both old and new cultural movements, which clashed before in the civil war of 1856, where some provinces of the Republic wished to secede over claims that the Republic had become too much of Euranian nature and too little Parakan. The grand reconstruction period that followed saw an influx of refugees from the provinces devastated by the war to more easterner provinces, where the mix that is seen today started and flourished over a large period of time. Almost considered a miracle by historians because of the ferocity that both sides presented when fighting each other. The values of the Parakan people are those of freedom and equality, which while at odd sometimes have been kept at balance ever since the end of the civil war, thanks to the efforts of both great men and parties such as the Populists of the Sovereign Freedom Party. When it comes to the actual blend of culture and civilization one could argue that Euranian customs have prevalence, however, it cannot be denied that the Parakan regional native customs have been retained and preserved by their own populations, thus another divide must be taken into account when analysing these phenomena and that is the divide between rural and urban populations. The rural regions of the republic are where the most native traditions are kept, yet they are also the ones that have seen the most development in the Republic these last few decades, especially with the mass introduction of tractors and modern equipment that has made Paraka an agricultural powerhouse, whereas the urban regions have seen a rather slow development in comparison with companies just recently expanding to manufacturing sectors. This stark divide would seem to suggest that the ones who embraced the most of mechanization would have been the ones to embrace the most of foreign culture, yet this has not happened rather a more prevalent resurgence of native culture is on the rise on the rural regions, which celebrates old values of fertility, bountifulness, and sharing, which has spread to some extent to the cities, although, certainly not at the same scale. Thus it is no wonder that the Populists and the LLC hold the majority of the rural voters. Their rallies are often accompanied with traditional music and in most cases, their elected members in positions as governors and majors participate very often in festivities within their localities. On the other side, the SFP is more formal and holds a certain Euranian touch that doesn't seem to match to that of the Populists or the LLC. In conclusion, although, the mix between Euranian and Parakan values is evident, the intrinsic cultural values diverge from rural to urban, although, a mix between both is continuously seen now that the urban regions are developing and continuously draw ever more workforce from the rural provinces. "[I]The Republic of Paraka is a rather peculiar place to visit, for one I can see on a tall man of clear mixed descent in a black suit and tall hat talking with equally tall a native looking fellow who wears not a suit but a adorned leather jack clearly handmade and not a tall hat but a chullo, both speaking in different ways but if you were to ask them how much they loved their republic, both would boast of loving it the most[/I]." Tyranese Historian Albert Wollin- Year 1900 [B]History[/B]: The history of Paraka starts way before the colonization of the continent by Euranians, it starts with the Atwantar Empire which had unified many of the fledgling kingdoms on the region, however, as soon as it reached its prime disease ravaged the empire and what remained was a shadow of its former self, which would have been conquered by the Euranian colonial powers of the time if not for the staunch resistance of its population and pretty much lots of luck, from invasion fleets sunk by a storm to a famine because of colonists not adapting quickly enough to the conditions of the continent. Once it became clear that the Atwantar empire wasn't leaving, the Euranians decide to negotiate be it for treaty ports, labor, etc, which the Atwantar empire had to accept for it lacked much of the necessary strength to really expulse them from the continent, as such, the Atwantar empire tried to thrive in harsh conditions and it recovered to a certain extent, however, with time Euranian values travelled to Paraka and they were welcomed by the mixed population of the coastal cities, which soon enough prospered and started the freedom movements against the authoritarian council that had taken hold of the empire politics, it is enough to say that they won albeit at the cost of becoming almost a puppet of the Euranians who had supported said movement for more financial gains. It was only until 1792 after a war in Eurania that kept most of the nations there busy that the protectorate of Paraka became the Republic of Paraka and thus declared itself independent, however, it was only after 1812 that the Euranians finally recognized Parakan independence and thus the modern history of Paraka started. [/hider]