Hello there. My name is Rey, or you can call me Bird, I don't mind. Born July 16, 2000. He/him pronouns please. I live in New York City. I came here to this site to start a new chapter in my life by getting into roleplaying. You see, I have a comic but I've been having trouble lately with my writing and being confident in it. My friends suggested that I get into RPing because it's a good way to improve your writing. So I thought, why not? Truthfully, I don't like to write. At least, for school. For fun or for myself though? It's kinda fun. It's not my first time RPing, I played DnD with my online friends and we'd RP through the discord chat but then the campaign got rebooted after some stuff happened. It's been a while and I had an RP itch to scratch because RPing is so dang fun with friends. It took a lot of courage to put myself out there and RP with a bunch of people I don't know but I came here to improve myself! As of now, I have, like, one character that I wanna RP as (A Canon character from a little manga I like to read I'll post about them later). But hopefully in the future I'll RP as more characters, some of them of my own creation! Here are some of my favorite anime/manga: Hunter x Hunter Dungeon Meshi Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Revolutionary Girl Utena My Hero Academia Natsume Yuujinchou Gatchaman Crowds Devilman (2018) Houseki no Kuni Digimon aaaaaaaaand that's all I can remember for now. Here are my favorite game series: Kirby Pokemon Bravely Default Trauma Team Ace Attorney Mother (series) Undertale Zero Escape Fire Emblem Xenoblade Chronicles Super Smash Bros. I really, really like RPGs, JRPG especially, my first username on tumblr was rpgtrash, even. Anywaaaaaaaaaaaays, that's all I have to post about for now, I guess. I hope to RP with some of you eventually and to grow as a writer! Thanks for reading! here's my carrd for all the sites I'm on!: [url]https://dv9l.carrd.co[/url]