[color=fff79a]Jamie Underwood[/color] [hr] Jamie Underwood, soon to be known by Rainbow as 'Slug' (an attractive nickname), stepped off the back end of the military truck that transported her there. Dusting off the front and hindquarters of her blue and black military fatigues. The top was stuffy and uncomfortable, but she would put up with it to look good in front of her superiors. She stood, straight backed, head held high, chin up, hands at her side. Her dark brown hair was tied into a tight bun, and contrasted with her white skin. Listening intently to Mike, her facial expression grew slightly worried. Before her was clearly a very jaded man, who told them that their deaths were more than likely and they were walking into a trap. Her squad leader at the FBI was much better at giving speeches than this guy. Mike? Thatcher? He hadn't introduced himself, but he was very well known so she could only assume. She hoped he learned to ligthen up and be mean instead of just depressing. Still, when he called her name, Jamie dutifully replied, [color=fff79a]"Sir,"[/color] and quickly saluted. That way all her new squadmates would know who she was. Always respect your superior, no matter what. That's advice her brother told her, and she intended to follow it. She could keep her thoughts to herself- unless he could read her face well enough. She relaxed a little bit, glancing around at the new faces in the hall after he left. Lots of different people from lots of different places, but everyone here carried an aura of competency about them. Though, one recruit in particular caught her eye. Just from what he was wearing, he seemed to be FBI, like her. Since they had the day to themselves, Jamie decided he was her best shot at getting a friend due to their common background. [color=fff79a]"Hey," [/color]she said, speeding up her walking pace to catch him before he wandered off somewhere. Once she got his attention, she bounced in front. [color=fff79a]"My names Jamie, pleasure to meet you," [/color]She said, extending her right hand. [color=fff79a]"Correct me if I'm wrong, but were you FBI before coming here?"[/color] Jamie asked, raising an eyebrow and the corner of her lip into a wry smile.