[h2][center]Kumozaki Keisuke[/center][/h2] As the rest of his Servants split off from the group to go around the town, Keisuke and Siegfried slowly began to walk along the outskirts of the town. The buildings closer to the wall were obviously a bit more worn-down than the ones closer to the center, which was to be expected. But even with that fact in mind, it wasn't as if the threat of any enemies attacking in broad daylight existed. After all, he had Siegfried to help defend him as he traveled the area to examine the town's defenses. Yes, that was more or less the goal of his current exploration: gathering information on how to have the town defend itself sufficiently against such issues. Elizabeth's Noble Phantasm wouldn't exist forever, after all, and Keisuke himself would prefer it if he could recruit Siegfried to help resolve this whole matter directly rather than just strictly defending the town. "Hm... I think a bounded field around the town could work as a basic method of keeping those undead out, letting the guards simply clean up the next day, but maybe..." he pondered to himself before Siegfried quietly gripped onto a shoulder. "Hold a moment; I sense the presence of an unfamiliar presence," the Saber stated calmly before taking a few steps in front of Keisuke. "My name is Siegfried, slayer of Fafnir. Nameless Servant, could I request you reveal yourself? I would rather not cause an unnecessary scuffle within the town here in searching for you, and given that you aren't immediately out for my blood I would hope to assume that you are at least willing to speak." [h2][center]Tomoe Gozen[/center][/h2] Tomoe, unlike the other Servants in her group, had opted to split off and head towards the blacksmiths of the town. It was a given, of course, that she would be interested in a culture so different from her own. The Grail had not given her any knowledge of past eras such as these, and given the situation the Archer believed it would do her well to learn something about this world, so as to know how to combat her opponents better. Granted, it didn't matter as much because she was a Servant and could shrug off attacks from normal human weapons with ease, but understanding how an opponent fought and what they fought with would never be a waste of time. Once she entered a building that had a simple 'smith' sign on its storefront, though, Tomoe found herself looking straight at what seemed to be a grouchy old man tending the storefront. There were a variety of weapons on display, but before the Archer could even examine the first one, she heard the storekeeper scoff. "Crazy girl. How'd you even survive that horde? No armor or anything," he grumbled. The Archer paused in place for a moment before standing up straight and walking over to him. "Pardon me, but did you just say something about me?" "You heard me," he spat, glaring at Tomoe for a moment before forcefully drawing her katana from its sheath. "What the heck is this weird sword? So light and flimsy... How do you expect to cut through armor with this thing, anyways?" The Archer had, of course, been far too focused at the prior affront to her pride that she hadn't stopped the old man from taking her sword, but his comments were far too aggravating for her to let them slide. Moving faster than the human eye could perceive, Tomoe snatched her weapon back from the old man before he could realize what was going on, glaring at him with irritation. "Do you not know the meaning of the word 'courtesy'? Are you the only blacksmith in this town? Have you no one to humble you for such arrogance?" she asked angrily, flicking the katana off towards the side as she stared the man down in anger. "Where I come from, you would be shamed and beheaded on the spot." "Huh? You, a traveler, lecturing [i]me[/i] about what I can and can't do?! Anyone could tell that your sword won't even cut the flimsiest of my shields!" he spat back, wholly undeterred by Tomoe's outburst. "Would you like to test that theory?" the Archer responded, taking the man's comment as a challenge. With a confident smile, the old man glared at Tomoe and pointed to a door leading out behind the store. "Gladly. If I'm right, you get [i]right[/i] out of this shop this instant and never come back." "And if I'm correct, you shall prostrate yourself and learn to stay your tongue in the presence of others." "Deal," the old man chuckled, getting up from his seat and walking to the door he had pointed to moments earlier. "You'll regret this, girl." "Likewise," Tomoe said, following the shopkeeper out back as she sheathed her katana. "My pride shall not be so easily trampled, but yours might be dust by the time I am done here."