[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C3lCy66.png[/img][/center] [hr] Managing to get an eyeful of ass cheeks, Dizzy rolled his eyes and fought a blush. He wasn't shy about skin, and neither were the others, it wasn't their way to be so, but he did happen to be a hormonal teenager with an overactive imagination. The last thing he needed was fuel for his wandering thoughts. That said, he was feeling particularly vengeful, and after hearing Flick's warning about nudity drawing attention he saw the perfect opportunity for some harmless fun, a petty but satisfying bit of pay back for swiping their hunting idea out from under them. He gave Flick a long, mischievous look, letting the older boy know that Dizzy had been plenty focused enough to hear his words, making his next move all the more insulting. After a quick glance to ensure the street was deserted once again, and the lights of the vehicles were distanced enough to allow a brief illusion of privacy, he - very slowly - began to get changed. Spending handfuls of precious seconds stark to the world as he hesitated and internally debated this or that piece of clothing. He spent a full thirty seconds deciding between boxers or briefs - which, the boxers had an awkward green plaid color, so he chose the black briefs that said 'BOOTY' in bright pink. They were his new favourite thing ever and no one was ever taking them from him. He finally huffed after choosing a pair of worn jeans and rushed quickly through picking a shirt so as not to set Flick off [i]too[/i] much, picking a tank top and a loose zipper jacket which he easily and hastily modified with his sharp nails to tear massive holes on either side so they would sit on his unfurled wings without breaking them or the clothes themselves being torn beyond repair. He smirked, outfit completed by the white top, dark jeans, and simple blue jacket. He spent a few seconds further digging around for a hat like Crash's, forgetting to even think of shoes for his feet. He gave up the search when he found a pack of something that smelled delicious, soon recognized as chewing gum. [color=fdc68a]"Nice!"[/color] He celebrated, and quickly escaped with a delighted smirk to the indicated alleyway, a safe distance away from the rest of the group, to enjoy his prize without them in grabbing range. [color=fdc68a]"First one to score something meaty to eat get's the next piece!"[/color] He called back to them, stuffing the first piece into his mouth with a hum of pleasure. [hr]