For a strong few seconds Kazudain merely stared at the jovial if odd man. He had never met the man before and would have written him off for lunacy if not from speaking the name a past adversary. It had been some time since he had faced that woman. Thankfully she was not going to be a bother to anyone here. Before he could speak Maldur broke the silence by sneaking behind the man, Keith he recalled. In a rather comical display the cat-beast smoothly positioned Keith unsteadily onto its shoulders, where Keith promptly fell over in a heap. It garnered some laughs and looks from the passerby's, and a small apologetic chuckle from Kazudain himself. [color=7ea7d8]"You'll have to forgive my friend, he can be a bit eccentric at times."[/color] A snort and shake of his mane was all the cat-beast did before starting to lick his paw, looking quite pleased and unapologetic. The master held out a hand for Keith to take. [color=7ea7d8]"Perhaps as a means of making up for his actions I treat you to a drink at a tavern of your choice after I've finished my business with the registry tents. What say you, Sir Keith?"[/color]