In his dreams he was inexplicably happy, things were as they should be. He would find himself laughing contently with his father. His patriarch took the time to provide constructive criticism on his battling technique, and he would always become the Pokémon League Champion. He would become famous, just as his father had once been. They were just that however, dreams. Ren had to accept the fact that his father was gone and would never return. That’s just the way things were. Sometimes when he found himself alone, he would allow tears to spill over. He would cry out for the father that he barely remembered. That was only when he was alone. In front of the rest of the world he was a rock. He was impassive, brutally honest, and sarcastic. Ren guessed this was the reason that he had never gained a human travelling companion. Not that he had ever wanted one, it was easier this way. No attachments, meaning nothing to hold him back. Feelings were just a sign of weakness anyways. The wind tousled the platinum blonde hair that hung messily about his face. The face that somehow always seemed to be stuck in a half frown. He found himself leaning against the railing of the S.S. Aqua, gazing out at the seemingly never ending waters with earth colored eyes. The ship cut through the sea as butter would be cut by a knife. They were set to arrive in Vermillion within the hour, which was fine by Ren. The choppy waves made his stomach churn uncomfortably. He much preferred the feel of solid ground to this. This was the trainer’s first time on a boat, and it would also be his last. [b]I’ll definitely be using the Magnet Train on the way home.[/b] Ren found himself thinking as his stomach gave another lurch. At his feet the young man’s companion lay curled up sleeping, apparently unabashed by the water or the boat. His Pokémon were just as good as any human in his opinion. “Lucky.” He found himself murmuring as he prodded the Umbreon with his foot. “Genesis, we’re almost there.” The nickname given to his partner had been chosen by his father, and Ren would have altered it given the choice. The Pokémon was just as stubborn as his owner it seemed, and so his name remained unchanged. The Umbreon stirred faintly, opening one of his eyes with a large yawn. In the distance, the sight of land caught Ren’s eye. Relief bloomed in his chest as he put two fingers in his mouth, before emitting a shrill whistle. In response a shadow dropped from high in the sky. His second Pokémon gracefully descended from the clouds. With a slight coo in his direction, his second friend, Pidgeotto wrapped its large talons around the same railing that Ren had been leaning against previously. The bird lovingly nuzzled against the side of the trainer’s face for a moment. “Quit it Pig!” Ren growled menacingly, using one hand to push the bird away. Pig responded by nipping at his trainer’s fingers lightly. While Genesis resembled Ren’s personality, Pig was definitely the direct opposite. He loved to be around people, and always seemed to enjoy making new friends wherever the group travelled. The port drew closer, and the Captain’s voice could be heard from the speakers surrounding the boat. “We will be reaching Vermillion City momentarily. Please be sure to gather all your belongings, as we will be leaving once more for Johto by late afternoon.” Ren took no notice, as he had never put his belongings down in the first place. After another painstakingly long ten minutes, the ship pulled even with the port. After the captain wished them all a good day, they were allowed to exit. Not a moment too soon if you asked Ren. He bustled towards the exit. When his feet found the pier the trainer released air that he hadn’t even realized that he had been holding. “Finally.”