[center][h2][color=92278f]Noi Celestia[/color][/h2] [@Lunarlord34][/center] Noi stomped on the ground, with the metal soles in her shoes making a loud clanking noise on the stones under them, Vivi made faces at the cat girl looking more and more visibly angry as each second past, Noi took a step back from the light blue haired woman before she started to verbally berate the cat girl almost making the cat girl a little angry as well."[color=92278f]Noi here to play with Vesta! Not Vivi! Vesta![/color]" She flailed her arms before noticing the incoming flurry of attacks from Vivi, instinct kicked in and Noi shut her mouth moving out of the way of each punch and kick, almost as if she was dancing before being hit in the face by Vivi once, leaving a bright red mark on the feline girl's face. She didn't attack back but chose to dodge another attack and make sure she followed the woman's combo moving fluently like wind, before dodging a punch from Vivi and spinning on the ball of her foot, she got to Vivi's shoulder and her fist met Vivi's ear before tucked and rolled heading for the door. She wasn't really here to play with Vivi, but more here to play with someone else that would actually be better at playing, but the second her hands met the door knob, the door was locked and Noi only had seconds left before she would have to act. The cat girl dove backwards and back flipped towards Vivi trying to attack her from behind with her feet, Noi knew that it would probably be tough to do against someone as void of fun as Vivi but she would have to try something to keep playing.