[hider=Aelithea] Name: Aelithea Appearance: [hider=Img][img]https://wallpapers.wallhaven.cc/wallpapers/full/wallhaven-394927.png[/img][/hider] Age: 14 Inventory: Rare meats and fruits. Soul gems filled with soul essence. Poison curing herbs. Wound mending potions. Monster Team: • [hider=Griffin Drake][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/49/b3/45/49b34520c6bbc47f878aee03974eb70c.jpg[/img] Species name: Griffin Drake Food source: Nearly anything but loves seasoned cow meat. Size: It is about nine feet long not counting the four foot tail. It stands at around five feet. Its wings make up a good amount of its size. Weighs around 150. Natural abilities: Can glide from high up places. Has binocular vision. Has very tough and sharp claws and beak. Is quite intelligent. Magical abilities: Can manipulate wind to conjure wind gusts and allow it flight. Can unleash a ball sized sphere of blue fire from its jaws. Usual Temperaments: A calm and collected creature. The result of breeding a Dragon with a Gryphon this rare creature functions well with its master. Locations Found: A rare creature in the wild. Lower half of the mountains of Gaia near the forests. Weaknesses: Its fur and wings can easily be burned. It is light in weight making it easy to over power. [/hider] • [hider=Gold Slime][img]https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.pE3fD0141Vj0rzQYktSh2AHaJ9&pid=Api[/img] Species name: Gold Slime Food source: Soul essence, protein and light. Size: It is about six feet tall and weighs very little. Inside of it is a metallic sphere which is around 30 pounds. Natural abilities: It can mold and shift into small places if its center is able to fit. Can envelop creatures in itself and slowly dissolve them. Magical abilities: Can cast a divine light that harms foes and heals others. Can glow with a brilliant light negating some dark spells. Is immune to light magic and can absorb light to regain energy. Immune to poison. Usual Temperaments: It is a quiet simple creature. Locations Found: A fairly rare creature found mostly in Vrondi's city. In the wild it can be found inside ancient ruins in Vrondi's mountains. Weaknesses: Very weak to extreme cold. Weak to electrical attacks. [/hider] • (Three max)[/hider]