Oberon Accepted the information about the time dilation more easily than most of his fellows. It was common knowledge that warp travel was at best a devil's bargain for the Imperium, and Such occurances were hardly uncommon. It was merely time for it to befall the warspite. The Omnissiah, in his magnificance could still be praised for seeing them all through the warp unscathed, even if they were now a little late... It was not something to be angry or sad over, it merely was. All one could do was accept it as an inevitability of placing ones trust in as fickle a realm as the immaterium. It was like being angry at a star for burning brightly in defiance of the void sorrounding it. A waste of energy. He had nothing further to say during the meeting until the first first enemy broadside slammed into the warspite's armoured hide. He could feel the rage of the spirit responding to this impudence. Oberon did not like the idea of it being roused while still trying to re-orient itself from reality insertion. The Techmarine was already heading towards the assault rams. “Agmar” The forgewrite signalled the ships senior forge serf. “Yes my lord.” The aged voice replied, heavy with defferance to his long time master. “Have a team of servitors sent to Boarding ram sigma-2. Ensure there are two data recovery menials among them.” It was a poor gamble, as any data ripped from such tainted cogitators as found onboard a chaos vessel may likely be corrupted far beyond any hope of proper recovery. But it could also contain invaluable information regarding the last hundred pus years of lost time. It was certainly worth the life of a servitor or two to try. "Certainly my lord." To his credit the aged serf was remarkably calm despite being as clueless about the current state of affairs as one could be. Maybe it was his indoctrination training or he was simply too old to care much about being under attack yet again. In either case Oberon would regret his soon to be death from old age or violence, the efficiency rate amongst the other forge menials would likely drop at least four percent as a result. An unacceptable fall in productivity for the fighting company to endure. A thought for another day, for now duty must be performed. The Warpsite couldn't be calmed from this newly induced rage even if he tried. Maybe he was wrong and this fight would be a good for it. In any case it was beyond him, So he left it as a problem for the on-board tech adepts to sort out.