Teroiah's cheeks face flared out in a beet red hue. The way she growled, incensed by Meesei's response, made her sound oddly more savage than Meesei's even voice. She was about to shout out again when she was interrupted. "That is enough!" Siloune's voice made Teroiah hold back with pursed lips and clenched fists. "Teroiah, put your nattering aside and let us get this over with. You are not here to win for yourself, but for the Dominion. Do I make myself clear!?" Teroiah stared daggers at Meesei, straightened, and breathed in. "Yes, madam," she answered quickly. "Then do not forget it." Siloune stood at the base of the stone seating stand. She swung her head across to face Meesei. "This duel shall only begin on my mark and end upon one combatant inflicting a weeping wound on the other. You are [i]not[/i] to act with force sufficient to cause death or permanent damage. To do so is to nullify the duel's results. And in your case, Champion of Hircine, you will be held responsible for the bodily harm of a Dominion general. This duel shall be confined to the radius of this arena. And do not for a moment believe you shall be able to come close to the spectators -- they are protected by a barrier that I shall keep up during the entire course of the duel." Siloune gave Teroiah one more sideways glare. "You may both use whatever means are available to you. Are these terms agreeable to both parties?" Teroiah stepped leisurely into a combat stance with a spell in each hand. "Yes, invigilator," she said, using a new word likely pertaining to Siloune's role in the duel itself. While the magic in Teroiah's palms was visible, Meesei could not tell from the colours or the energy exactly what the spells were. Teroiah was possibly employing some means to obscure them. Siloune waited for Meesei to confirm her agreement before lifting an arm. "Prepare yourselves...and...mark!" Her arm dropped. Teroiah used the first instant to erect a ward and then charge and release a spell towards Meesei at speed. The movements she used suggested a magical projectile of some kind.