Rys was naturally skilled - Neriad had to give them that. However, there were only some things professional training a years of experience could teach a warrior. The shot to the armpit was blocked with a little difficulty, and the follow up would find itself swatted out of the way with little effort. The warrior proceeded to use his feet to maneuver himself to the girl's right before tapping them on the thigh - with some force, not enough to leave a bruise - clearly indicating that he was the winner. [b]"Good try - Sand was fun, but your footwork leaves a bit to be worked on."[/b] As if nothing had happened, Neriad walked to return to the campfire where a series of disappointing and sympathetic looks traveled through the party. Amen had been wiser than to get his hopes up though - there was little that seemed to be able to overcome this professional warrior. [color=yellow]"Nice try."[/color]