The sound behind them seemed to die down as they continued down the hallway, although the eerie not-wind and shadows continued to look them over. One of the shadows even seemed to form a somewhat friendly face and looked over the party in a surprisingly friendly manner. The next room they would find themselves in was large - a library, a massive storage of knowledge. The entire place was split into two levels, with a large hole cut into the center of the second floor to look down onto a large, glowing gem. Around the hole and the gem were shelves of tablets, books in pristine condition, and even a couple well-maintained pictures. There were a couple rooms that seemed to jut off on each side of the second story of the library, although the party wouldn't be able to see what was in them. At the end of each bookcase was a large statue, looking over the area as if protecting it. Some of the shadows seemed to enter and leave the books rapidly. The party found themselves standing on the second floor, ahead of them a pillar raised flat to about chest height with an inscription on it and an extended hand. Directly beyond that was the large balcony that looked down.