Looking forward to Iron Harvest. Can't remember a good RTS since 2008 or maybe 2009. (Not talking about larger scale games like Stellaris with a focus on grand strategy, I'm talking about those with a focus on tactics and on occasion even operations). Other promising games would include Call of Cthulhu: The Official Game, The Sinking City, Smash 5, Post Scriptum/World War 3 (both seem to be promising Battlefield style games set in WW2 and a modern war setting respectivly), and the last at the top of my head would be Rage 2. I'd like to mention, while not a videogame, The Masks of Nyarlathotep as it is being updated for CoC 5e. Never played the original as I am only recently getting into tabletop gaming but I heard it is a strong contender for best campaign.