[quote=@vancexentan] [b]"Well we need to get going move!"[/b] After absorbing the half burnt out vault door the crew in the upper floors rushed off quickly into the vault to crack open the wall safes, and the others putting handfuls of wads into bags. As Disel asked how she looked the soldiers stifled a cackle. Meanwhile at the vault the thermite drills was finally finishing its job at tearing its way through the hard metal only to have a door in its way. The disgruntled soldiers roared in anger as one of them considered just blowing the door open. [b]"You look like a million dollars."[/b] grumbled the soldier in command. He turned on his radio, and asked the second team how they were doing. [b]"We're doing ok down here still need to burst open the door."[/b] the soldier on the other line grumbled as he prepared to talk to his fellow soldiers each them arguing if it was worth using the drill, or they should just blow it up. [b]"Not sure if the metal worker here will be able to get down to that floor with the way they are now."[/b] said the soldier on their end. [/quote] [color=a187be]"Alright boys, you grab the money, I'll meet you downstairs!"[/color] Dieselpunk started, with a groan, to run towards the rear of the bank, knocking away mahogany tables where people would normally be signing leases and loans. Bracing herself, Dieselpunk [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il-FKVnEnDg]crashed[/url] through the tall, pristine windows, taking much of the wall with her, and hurtled down to the street floor. Crashing down amid drywall, bricks and other debris, Dieselpunk landed with a loud clang that left her slightly winded, [i]the bigger they are, the harder they fall.[/i] Fortunately, her current body was tough enough to withstand the impact, and the pain was not enough to cause her to unfuse. And there it was, in all its stinking, beautiful glory. A garbage truck, abandoned, either because an operative had offed the driver, or the driver had abandoned it when the general evacuation was announced. Whatever the reason, it was a sight for sore eyes, and why Dieselpunk knew it was worth it to stay with this organization. Dusting herself off and waddling over, [url=https://youtu.be/A89blUjT7z8?t=40s]Dieselpunk began fusing with the truck.[/url] With a roar that resembled a cross between a monster and a revving engine, Dieselpunk had incorporated the heavy wheels into her hindquarters, the lifting mechanism into her right arm, and the trash-crushing mechanism into her other arm. Trash was dumped all over the street as the containment unit was portioned out into armor plating. [i]Now I smell like a million dollars,[/i] Dieselpunk thought sarcastically to herself as she busted her way back into the first floor of the bank to help the guys get the last vault open. Driving over, and probably scraping her mechanical head against some of the finer ceiling decorations, Dieselpunk assessed whether she should just punch through the door, or incorporate it into herself for some more goddamn armor. If the last door didn't seem to be worth much, she would choose the former, since she already had plenty of truck parts, as well as a vault door and several safe doors giving her protection, at least enough to likely withstand the likes of 'flower boy' and 'samurai girl' if they decide to show up on this side of the bank.